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    Amphibians and Reptiles

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    Journal Articles

    To request a reprint of one of the following journal articles, please contact NOROCK.

    In Press

    Cross, P. C., E. K. Cole, A. P. Dobson, W. H. Edwards, K. L. Hamlin, G. Luikart, A. D. Middleton, B. M. Scurlock, and P. J. White. In press. Probable causes of increasing elk brucellosis in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Ecological Applications.

    Bar-David S, I Bar-David, PC Cross, SJ Ryan, CU Knechtel, WM Getz. Accepted. Methods for assessing movement path recursion with application to African buffalo in South Africa. Ecology.

    Cross PC, MR Ebinger, V Patrek, & R Wallen, Accepted. Brucellosis in cattle, bison, and elk: Management conflicts in a society with diverse values. Book chapter.

    Guscio, C.G., B.R. Hossack, L.A. Eby, and P.S. Corn. In press. Post-breeding habitat use by adult boreal toads (Bufo boreas) after wildfire in Glacier National Park, USA. Herpetological Conservation and Biology.

    Hines, AM, VO Ezenwa, PC Cross, & JR Rogerson. In press. Effects of supplemental feeding on gastrointestinal parasite infection in Rocky Mountain Elk (Cervus elaphus). Veterinary Parasitology.

    Hossack, B. R., and P. S. Corn. In press. Wildfire effects on water temperature and selection of breeding sites by the Boreal Toad (Bufo boreas) in seasonal wetlands. Herpetological Conservation and Biology.

    Keane, R.E., Agee, J, Fule, P, Keeley, J., Key, C., Kitchen, S., Miller, R., and Schulte, L. (in press). The ecological effect of large fires in North America: benefit or catastrophe. International Journal of Wildland Fire.

    Pederson, G. T., L. J. Graumlich, D. B. Fagre, T. Kipfer, and C. C. Muhlfeld. 2008. In Press. A Century of climate and ecosystem change in Western Montana: What do temperature trends portend? Climatic Change.

    Sànchez-Marrè, M., K. Gibert , R. S. Sojda, J. P. Steyer, P. Struss, I. Rodríguez-Roda, J. Comas, V. Brilhante, and E. A. Roehl. in press. Chapter 8: Intelligent Environmental Decision Support Systems.

    Taper, M.L, José M. Ponciano, Bradley B. Shepard, Clint C. Muhlfeld, and David F. Staples. In-print. Risk based viable population monitoring of the upper Flathead River Bull Trout. Conservation Biology.


    Butler, D.R., G.P. Malanson, S.J. Walsh, and D.B. Fagre (eds). 2009. The Changing Alpine Treeline of Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. Elsevier, The Netherlands. 200pp.

    Cross PC, D Heisey, J Bowers, CT Hay, J Wolhuter, P Buss, M Hofmeyr, A Michel, TLF Bird, JT Du Toit & WM Getz. 2009. Disease, predation and demography: assessing the impacts of bovine tuberculosis on African buffalo by monitoring at individual and population levels. Journal of Applied Ecology 46: 467-475.

    Cross PC, J Drewe, V Patrek, G Pearce MD Samuel & RJ Delahay. 2009. Host population structure and implications for disease management. Pages 9-30 In RJ Delahay, GC Smith, & MR Hutchings (eds.) Management of Disease in Wild Mammals. Springer-Verlag Tokyo, Inc. Tokyo.

    Fagre, D.B. 2009. Introduction:Understanding the Importance of Alpine Treeline Ecotones in Mountain Ecosystems. Pages 1-9 in Butler, D.R., G.P. Malanson, S.J. Walsh, and D.B. Fagre (eds), The Changing Alpine Treeline of Glacier National Park, Montana, USA Elsevier, The Netherlands.

    Kendall, K. C., J. B. Stetz, J. Boulanger, A. C. Macleod, D. Paetkau, and G. C. White. 2009. Demography and genetic structure of a recovering brown bear population. Journal of Wildlife Management. 73 (1):3-17.

    Maichak, EJ, BM Scurlock, JD Rogerson, LL Meadows, AE Barbknecht, WH Edwards, and PC Cross. 2009. Effects of management, behavior, and scavenging on risk of brucellosis transmission in elk of western Wyoming. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 45:398-410.

    Muhlfeld, Clint C., Steven T. Kalinowski, Thomas E. McMahon, Mark L. Taper, Sally Painter, Robb F. Leary, and Fred W. Allendorf. Hybridization rapidly reduces reproductive success of a native trout in the wild. Biology Letters. 03/18/09

    Oosthuizen, C, PC Cross, JA Bowers, CT Hay, MR Ebinger, P Buss, M Hofmeyr, EZ Cameron. 2009. Chemical immobilization of African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) in Kruger National Park: Evaluating effects on movement, survival and reproduction. Journal of Wildlife Management.73(1):149-153.

    Rizzoli, A.E., G. Leavesley, J.C. Ascough II, R.M. Argent, I.N. Athanasiadis, V. Brilhante, F.H.A. Claeys, O. David, M. Donatelli, P. Gijsbers, D. Havlik, A. Kassahun, P. Krause, N.W.T. Quinn, H. Scholten, R.S. Sojda, and F. Villa. 2009. Integrated modelling frameworks for environmental assessment and decision support. Chapter 7 in: Jakeman, A.J., A.A. Voinov, A.E. Rizzoli, and S.H. Chen, eds. Environmental modelling, software and decision support: state of the art and new perspectives. Elsevier. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 366 pages.

    Sànchez-Marrè, M., K. Gibert , R.S. Sojda, J.P. Steyer, P. Struss, I. Rodríguez-Roda, J. Comas, V. Brilhante, and E.A. Roehl. 2009. Intelligent environmental decision support systems. Chapter 8 in: Jakeman, A.J., A.A. Voinov, A.E. Rizzoli, and S.H. Chen, eds. Environmental modelling, software and decision support: state of the art and new perspectives. Elsevier. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 366 pages.

    Wolhuter, J, RG Bengis, BK Reilly, & PC Cross. 2009. Clinical demodicosis in African Buffalo (Syncerus caffer) in the Kruger National Park. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 45:502-504.


    Boulanger, J., K. C. Kendall, J. B. Stetz, D. A. Roon, L. A. Waits, and D. Paetkau. 2008. Use of multiple data sources to improve DNA-based mark-recapture population estimates of grizzly bears. Ecological Applications. 18(3):577–589.

    Boyer, M, Clint C. Muhlfeld, and Fred Allendorf. 2008. Rainbow trout invasion and the spread of hybridization with westslope cutthroat trout. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. On-line-February.

    Conner, MM, JA Blanchong, MR Ebinger, & PC Cross. 2008. Infectious disease in cervids of North America: models, data, & management challenges. The Year in Ecology and Conservation Biology. 1134: 146-172.

    Cross, PC, J Drewe, V Patrek, G Pearce MD Samuel & RJ Delahay. 2008. Host population structure and implications for disease management. In RJ Delahay, GC Smith, & MR Hutchings (eds.) Management of Disease in Wild Mammals. Springer-Verlag Tokyo, Inc. Tokyo.

    Guscio CG, Hossack BR, Eby LA, Corn PS. 2008. Post-breeding habitat use by adult boreal toads (Bufo boreas boreas) after wildfire in Glacier National Park, USA. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 3:55–62.

    Guy, T., Gresswell, R.E., Banks, M.A., 2008, Landscape-scale evaluation of genetic structure among barrier-isolated populations of coastal cutthroat trout, Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii : Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, v. 65, p. 1749-1762. [ Description ] [ Full Text ]

    Haroldson, M.A., C.C. Schwartz, and K.A. Gunther. 2008. Grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem: garbage, controversy, and decline to recovery. Yellowstone Science 16(2):13-24.

    Haroldson, M.A., K.A. Gunther, and T. Wyman. 2008. Possible grizzly cub adoption in Yellowstone National Park. Yellowstone Science 16(2):42-44.

    Hay, CT, PC Cross, & P Funston. 2008. Tradeoffs of predation and foraging explain sexual segregation in African buffalo (Syncerus caffer). Journal of Animal Ecology.77:850-858. * authors contributed equally.

    Hossack BR, Corn PS. 2008. Wildland fire and seasonal wetlands: effects on water temperature and selection of breeding sites by the boreal toad (Bufo boreas). Herpetological Conservation and Biology 3:46–54.

    Kendall, K. C., J. B. Stetz, D. A. Roon, L. P. Waits, J. B. Boulanger, and D. Paetkau. 2008. Grizzly Bear Density in Glacier National Park, Montana. Journal of Wildlife Management. 72(8):1693-1705. [Article Link]

    Kendall, K. C. and K. S. McKelvey. 2008. Hair Collection. In R. Long, P. MacKay, J. Ray, and W. Zielinski, editors. Noninvasive survey methods for North American Carnivores. Island Press. Washington, DC. [Chapter Link]

    Luikart, G., S. Zundel, D. Rioux, C. Miquel, K. A. Keating, J. T. Hogg, B. Steele, K. Foresman, and P. Taberlet. 2008. Low genotyping error rates and noninvasive sampling in bighorn sheep. Journal of Wildlife Management 72:299–304.[PDF]

    Muhlfeld Clint C., David H. Bennett, Kirk Steinhorst, Brian Marotz, and Matthew C. Boyer. 2008. Using bioenergetics modeling to estimate consumption of native juvenile salmonids by nonnative northern pike in the upper Flathead River system, Montana. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. On-line April 2008.

    Prato, A., B. Keane, and D. Fagre. 2008. Assessing and managing wildfire risk in the wildland-urban interface. Pg. 275-297 In Ecosystem ecology research trends. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA.

    Reardon, B. A., G. T. Pederson, C. J. Caruso, and D. B. Fagre. 2008. Spatial reconstructions and comparisons of historic snow avalanche frequency and extent using tree rings in Glacier National Park, Montana, U.S.A. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 40:148-160.

    Reardon, B. A., J. T. Harper, and D. B. Fagre. 2008. Mass balance of a cirque glacier in the U.S. Rocky Mountains. in Proceedings of the mass balance measurement and modeling workshop, Skeikampen, Norway, 26-28 March 2008.

    Reardon, B.A., J.T. Harper, and D. B. Fagre. 2008. Mass balance sensitivity of cirque glaciers in the northern U.S. Rocky Mountains, Montana, U.S.A. Annals of Glaciology 50A076. (see link above)

    Schwartz, C.C., and G.C. White. 2008. Estimating reproductive rates for female bears: proportions versus transition probabilities. Ursus 19(1):1-12.

    Schwartz, C. C., M. A. Haroldson, S. Cherry, and K. A. Keating. 2008. Evaluation of rules to distinguish unique female grizzly bears with cubs in Yellowstone. Journal of Wildlife Management 72(2):543-554.

    Swenson, J.E., and M.A. Haroldson. 2008. Observations of mixed-aged litters in brown bears. Ursus 19(1):73-79.

    Torgersen, C.E., Gresswell, R.E., Bateman, D.S., Burnett, K.M., 2008, Spatial identification of tributary impacts in river networks In Rice, S., Roy, A., Rhoads, B., eds., River Confluences, Tributaries and the Fluvial Network: West Sussex, UK, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., p. 159-181. [FullText] Catalog No: 1680

    Watson, E., G.T. Pederson, B.H. Luckman, and D.B. Fagre. 2008 (February). Glacier mass balance in the northern U.S. and Canadian Rockies: paleo-perspectives and 20th century change. Pages 141-153 In Ben Orlove, Ellen Wiegandt and Brian Luckman (Eds.), Darkening Peaks: Glacier Retreat, Science, and Society, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA. USA. 280pp.

    Winnie, JA Jr., PC Cross, WM Getz. 2008. Habitat quality and heterogeneity influences distribution, individual and herd behavior in African Buffalo (Syncerus caffer). Ecology. 89: 1457-1468.

    Wolhuter, J, RG Bengis, BK Reilly, PC Cross. Accepted pending revisions. Clinical demodicosis in African Buffalo (Syncerus caffer) in the Kruger National Park. Journal of Wildlife Diseases


    Barnett, D.T., T.J. Stohlgren, C.S. Jarnevich, G.W. Chong, J.A. Ericson, T.R. Davern, and S.E. Simonson. 2007. The art and science of weed mapping. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 132:235-252.

    Bugmann, H., A. Bjornsen, F. Ewert, W. Haeberli, A. Guisan, D. Fagre, A. Kääb, and GLOCHAMORE Participants. 2007. Modeling the biophysical impacts of global change in mountain biosphere reserves. Mountain Research and Development. 27(1):66-77.

    Cherry, S., G. C. White, K. A. Keating, M. A. Haroldson, and C. C. Schwartz. 2007. Evaluating estimators for numbers of females with cubs-of-the-year in the Yellowstone grizzly bear population. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 12(2)195-215.

    Chong, G.W. and T.J. Stohlgren. 2007. Species-area curves indicate habitats’ contributions to regional biodiversity. Ecological Indicators 7:387-395.

    Coles-Ritchie, M.C., D.W. Roberts, J.L. Kershner, and R.C. Henderson. 2007. Use of a wetland rating system to evaluate changes in riparian vegetation after livestock exclusion. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 43(3): 731-743.

    Conner, MM, JE Gross, PC Cross, MD. Samuel, DT McKinnon, MM Miller, & MR Ebinger. 2007. Scale-dependent approaches to modeling spatial epidemiology of chronic wasting disease. E-book publication. Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.

    Corn PS. 2007. Amphibians and disease: implications for conservation in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Yellowstone Science 15(2):11–16. [invited contribution]

    Cross, PC, WH Edwards, B Scurlock, E Machaik, & J Rogerson, 2007. Management and climate impacts on brucellosis in elk of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Ecological Applications.17(4):957-964.

    Cross, PC, PLF Johnson, JO Lloyd-Smith, & WM Getz. 2007. Utility of R0 as a predictor of disease invasion in structured populations. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 4: 315-324. [draft, appendices]

    Cross, PC, G Plumb. 2007. Disease ecology of the Yellowstone National Park. Yellowstone Science. 15(2):4-7. (Also served as guest editor of this edition).

    Cross, PC & WM Getz. 2006. Combining data and models of bovine Tb in African buffalo to assess research directions and management options. Ecological Modelling 196:494-504.

    de la Fuente, J., M. Atkinson, V. Naranjo, I. G. Fernández de Mera, A. J. Mangold, K. A. Keating, K. M. Kocan. 2007. Sequence analysis of the msp4gene of Anaplasma ovisstrains. Veterinary Microbiology 119:375 –381.

    Editorial Committee. 2007. Preface. Pages 11-12 in Proceedings of The First International Conference on the Impact of Climate Change: on High-Mountain Systems, Bogota, Colombia, November 21-23, 2005. Instituto de Hidrologia, Meteorologia y Estudios Ambientales - IDEAM, Bogota, Colombia. 294 p.

    Erwin, S.O. and J.C. Schmidt. 2007. Bed load transport data collected on Pacific Creek and Buffalo Fork in Grand Teton National Park . Draft Annual Report – June 22, 2007

    Fagre, D. B., D. L. Peterson, and D. McKenzie. 2007. Integrated research on climate change in mountain ecosystems: The CLIMET project. Pg. 257-271 In Martin F. Price, editor, Integrated Research and Management in Mountain Areas. EarthScan, U.K.

    Fagre, D. 2007. Modeling and Monitoring Biophysical Dynamics and Change. Pages 171-186 In T. Prato and D. Fagre, editors. Sustaining Rocky Mountain Landscapes: Science, Policy and Management of the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem. RFF Press, Washington, D.C., USA. 321 pp.

    Fagre, D. 2007. Ecosystem Responses to Global Climate Change. Pages 187-200 In T. Prato and D. Fagre, editors. Sustaining Rocky Mountain Landscapes: Science, Policy and Management of the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem. RFF Press, Washington, D.C., USA. 321 pp.

    Fagre, D. B. 2007. Adapting to the reality of climate change at Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. Pages 221-235 in Proceedings of The First International Conference on the Impact of Climate Change: on High-Mountain Systems, Bogota, Colombia, November 21-23, 2005. Instituto de Hidrologia, Meteorologia y Estudios Ambientales - IDEAM, Bogota, Colombia. 294 p.

    Fagre, D.B. and T. Prato. 2007. Sustaining Rocky Mountain Landscapes: A Focus on the Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park. Web proceedings of the Parks, Peace and Partnerships 2007 Conference, Waterton, Alberta, Canada.

    Field KJ, Tracy CR, Medica PA, Marlow RW, Corn PS. 2007. Return to the wild: translocation as a tool in conservation of the Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii). Biological Conservation 136:232–245.

    Freeman, J.P., T.J. Stohlgren, M.E. Hunter, P.N. Omi, E.J. Martinson, G.W. Chong, and C.S. Brown. 2007. Rapid assessment of post-fire plant invasions in coniferous forests of the western U.S. Ecological Applications 17(6):1656-1665.

    Freese, C. H., K. E. Aune, D. P. Boyd, J. N. Derr, S. C. Forrest, C. C. Gates, P.J.P. Gogan, S. M. Grassel, N. D. Halbert, K. Kunkel, and K. H. Redford. 2007. Second chance for the plains bison. Biological Conservation 136: 175 – 184.

    Getz, WM, S Fortmann-Roe, PC Cross, AJ Lyons, SJ Ryan, CC Wilmers. 2007. LoCoH: Non-parameteric kernel methods for constructing home ranges and utilization distributions. PLoS One 2(2): e207.

    Gresswell, R. E., and S. R. Hendricks. 2007. Population-scale movement of coastal cutthroat trout in a naturally isolated stream network. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136:238-253. [ Full Text ]

    Gresswell, R. E., and K. Homel. 2007. Distribution, abundance, and movement of native cutthroat trout in the Snake River below Jackson Lake, Progress Report: Project Phase I, Jackson Hole One Fly Foundation and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Conservation Partnership.

    Halbert, N. D., P. J. P. Gogan, R. Hiebert, and J. N. Derr. 2007. Where the buffalo roam: The role of history and genetics in the conservation of bison on U.S. federal lands. Park Science 24: 23 – 29.

    Harris, R. B., G. C. White, C. C. Schwartz, and M. A. Haroldson. 2007. Population growth of Yellowstone grizzlies: uncertainty and future monitoring. Ursus 18(2):168-178.

    Henning, J. A., R. E. Gresswell, and I. A. Fleming. 2007. Use of seasonal freshwater wetlands by fishes in a temperate river floodplain. Journal of Fish Biology 71:476-492. [ Abstract ]

    Hines, AM, VO Ezenwa, PC Cross, & JR Rogerson. 2007. Effects of supplemental feeding on gastrointestinal parasite infection in Rocky Mountain Elk (Cervus elaphus). Veterinary Parasitology. 148(3-4): 350-355.

    Hossack BR, Corn PS. 2007. Responses of pond-breeding amphibians to wildfire: short-term patterns in occupancy and colonization. Ecological Applications 17:1403–1410.

    Keating, K. A., P. J. P. Gogan, J. M. Vore, and L. R. Irby. 2007. A simple solar radiation index for wildlife habitat studies. Journal of Wildlife Management 71: 1344 – 1348.

    List R., G. Ceballos, C. Curtin, P. J. P. Gogan, J. Pacheco, and J. Truett. 2007. Bison in the Borderlands: The implications of cultural, ecological, and linguistic barriers for conserving grazers and grasslands. Conservation Biology. In press.

    Malanson, G. P., D. R. Butler, and D. Fagre. 2007. Alpine Ecosystem Dynamics and Change: A View from the Heights. Pages 85-101 In T. Prato and D. Fagre, editors. Sustaining Rocky Mountain Landscapes: Science, Policy and Management of the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem. RFF Press, Washington, D.C., USA. 321pp.

    Mellmann-Brown, S., B. H. Pugesek and D. W. Roberts. 2007. Riparian plant community structure in a managed hydrological regime. Investigator's annual report to Grand Teton National Park, WY. 28p.

    Millar, C. and D. Fagre. 2007. Monitoring alpine plants for climate change: The North American GLORIA Project. Mountain Views - CIRMOUNT Newsletter. 1(1):12-14.

    Murphy, M. A., K. C. Kendall, A. Robinson, and L. P. Waits. 2007. The impact of time and field conditions on brown bear (Ursus arctos) faecal DNA amplification. Conservation Genetics. (in press)

    Nelson, N.C., Schmidt, J.C., 2007. Hydrology and Geomorphology of the Snake River in Grand Teton National Park. National Park Service Cooperative Agreement #H1200040001 Final Report.

    Olexa, E. M. and Peter J. P. Gogan. 2007. Spatial Population Structure of Yellowstone Bison. Journal of Wildlife Management 71: 1531 – 1538.

    Podruzny, K. M., P. J. P. Gogan, D. Pointsett, and E. M. Olexa. 2007. Post-partum Growth of Plains Bison. Journal of Mammalogy. In preparation.

    Pederson, G. T., C. Whitlock, Watson. E., B. H. Luckman, and L. J. Graumlich. 2007. Paleo-Perspectives on Climate and Ecosystem Change. Pages 151-170 In T. Prato and D. Fagre, editors. Sustaining Rocky Mountain Landscapes: Science, Policy and Management of the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem. RFF Press, Washington, D.C., USA. 321 pp.

    Prato, T. and D. Fagre (Editors) 2007. Sustaining Rocky Mountain Landscapes: Science, Policy and Management of the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem, RFF Press, Washington D.C.

    Prato, T. and D. Fagre (Editors). 2007. Sustaining Rocky Mountain Landscapes: Science, Policy and Management of the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem. RFF Press, Washington, D.C., USA. 321 pp.

    Prato, T. and D. Fagre. 2007. Preface. Pages xiii-xvi In T. Prato and D. Fagre, editors. Sustaining Rocky Mountain Landscapes: Science, Policy and Management of the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem. RFF Press, Washington, D.C., USA. 321 pp.

    Prato, T. and D. Fagre. 2007. The Crown of the Continent: Striving for Ecosystem Sustainability. Pages 3-16 In T. Prato and D. Fagre, editors. Sustaining Rocky Mountain Landscapes: Science, Policy and Management of the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem. RFF Press, Washington, D.C., USA. 321 pp.

    Prato, T. and D. Fagre. 2007. Achieving Ecosystem Sustainability. Pages 302-311 In T. Prato and D. Fagre, editors. Sustaining Rocky Mountain Landscapes: Science, Policy and Management of the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem. RFF Press, Washington, D.C., USA. 321 pp.

    Roper, B.B., B. Jarvis, and J.L. Kershner. 2007. The role of natural vegetative disturbance in determining stream reach characteristics in central Idaho and western Montana. Northwest Science 81(3):224-238.

    Roush, W., J.S. Munroe and D.B. Fagre. 2007. Development of a spatial analysis method using ground based repeat photography to detect changes in the alpine treeline ecotone, Glacier National Park, Montana, U.S.A.. Arctic, Alpine, and Antarctic Research. 39(2): 297-308.

    Sanderson, E. W., K. H. Redford, B. Weber, K. Aune, D. Baldes, J. Berger, D. Carter, C. Curtin, J. Derr, S. Dobrott, E. Fearn, C. Fleener ,S. Forrest, C. Gerlach, C. C. Gates, P. Gogan ,J. Gross, S. Grassel, J. A.Hilty, M. Jensen, K. Kunkel, D. Lammers, R. List, K. Minkowski, T. Olson, C. Pague, P. B. Robertson, B. Stephenson, and J. Truett. 2007. The Ecological Future of the North American Bison: conceiving long-term, large-scale conservation of a species. Conservation Biology. In press.

    Schwartz CC, Haroldson MA, West K, editors. 2007. Yellowstone grizzly bear investigations: annual report of the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team, 2006. Bozeman (MT): U.S. Geological Survey.

    Seburn CNL, Bishop CA (eds), Corn PS (series ed). 2007. Ecology, conservation, and status of reptiles in Canada. Salt Lake City: Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles. Herpetological Conservation 2. 246 p.

    Sojda, R. S. 2007. Empirical evaluation of decision support systems: needs, definitions, potential methods, and an example pertaining to waterfowl management. Environmental Modelling and Software 22(2):269-277.

    Stephenson, N., D. Peterson, D. Fagre, C. Allen, D. McKenzie, and J. Baron. 2007. Response of western mountain ecosystems to climatic variability and change: the Western Mountain Initiative, Mountain Views - CIRMOUNT Newsletter 1(1):4-9.

    Tuttle, M.L.W., J. Fahy, R.I. Grauch, B.A. Ball, G.W. Chong, J.G. Elliott, J.J. Kosovich, K.E. Livo, and L.L. Stillings. 2007, Results of chemical analyses of soil, shale, and soil/shale extract from the Mancos Shale Formation in the Gunnison Gorge National Conservation Area, southwestern Colorado, and at Hanksville, Utah: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1002D, 24 p.

    Whitacre, H.W., B.B. Roper, and J.L. Kershner. 2007. A comparison of protocols and observer precision for measuring physical attributes of streams in Oregon and Idaho. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 43(4):1-15.


    Bateman, D. S., and R. E. Gresswell. Survival and growth of age-0 steelhead trout following surgical implantation of 23-mm half-duplex passive integrated transponders. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:545-550. [ Full Text ]

    Chong, G.W., Y. Otsuki, T.J. Stohlgren, D. Guenther, P. Evangelista, C. Villa, and M.A. Waters. 2006. Evaluating Plant Invasions from Both Habitat and Species Perspectives. Western North American Naturalist 66:92-105.

    CIRMOUNT Committee. 2006. Mapping New Terrain. Report of the Consortium for Integrated Mountain Climate Research in Western Mountains (CIRMOUNT). In: Misc. Pub, PSW- MISC-77. Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, US Department of Agriculture. Albany, CA, USA. 29 p.

    Cross, PC & WM Getz. 2006. Combining data and models of bovine Tb in African buffalo to assess research directions and management options. Ecological Modelling.

    Custer, S. G., and R. S. Sojda. 2006. Hydrologic landscape units and adaptive management of intermountain wetlands. Adaptive Management of Water Resources: American Water Resources Association Summer Specialty Conference.

    Fagre, D. B. 2006. Climatic variability drives changes in the Northern Rocky Mountains of the USA. Pages 243-244 In: M. F. Price (Ed.), Global Change in Mountain Regions. Sapiens Publishing, London, UK. 343 p.

    Getz, WM, JO Lloyd-Smith, PC Cross, S Bar-David, PLF Johnson, TC Porco, & MS Sánchez. 2006. Modeling the invasion and spread of contagious disease in heterogeneous populations. In Feng, Z., Dieckmann, U., Levin, S.A. (eds.) Disease Evolution: Models, Concepts, and Data Analysis, AMS/DIMACS Vol. 71:113-144

    Gresswell, R. E., C. E. Torgersen, D. S. Bateman, T. J. Guy, S. R. Hendricks, and J. E. B. Wofford. 2006. A spatially explicit approach for evaluating relationships among coastal cutthroat trout, habitat, and disturbance in headwater streams. Pages 457-471 In R. Hughes, L. Wang, and P. Seelbach, editors. Influences of landscapes on stream habitats and biological assemblages. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. [ Full Text ]

    Gresswell, R. E. 2006. Effects of fire on salmonid persistence. Pages 137-138 in N. G. Sugihara, J. W. van Wagtendonk, K. E. Shaffer, J. Fites-Kaufman, and A. E. Thode, editors. Fire in California Ecosystems, University of California Press, Berkeley.

    Henning, J. A., R. E. Gresswell, I. A. Fleming. 2006. The role of emergent wetlands as potential rearing habitats for juvenile salmonids. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:367-376. [ Full Text ]

    Hossack BR, Diamond SA, Corn PS. 2006. Distribution of the boreal toad populations in relation to estimated UV-B dose in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. Canadian Journal of Zoology 84:98–107.

    Hunter, M.E., P.N. Omi, E.J. Martinson, and G.W. Chong. 2006. Establishment of non-native plant species after wildfires: effects of fuel treatments, abiotic and biotic factors, and post-fire grass seeding treatments. International Journal of Wildland Fire 15:271-281.

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    Pugesek BH, von Eye A, Tomer A. 2003. Structural Equation Modeling: Applications in Ecologicaland Evolutionary Biology Research. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 409 pp.

    Pugesek BH. 2003. Concepts of structural equation modeling in biological research. In: Structural Equation Modeling: Applications in Ecological and Evolutionary Biology Research. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 409 pp.

    Pugesek BH. 2003. Modeling a complex conceptual theory of population change in the Shiras Moose: History and recasting as a structural equation model. In: Structural Equation Modeling: Applications in Ecological and Evolutionary Biology Research. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 409 pp.

    Pugesek BH. 2003. Modeling means in latent variable models of natural selection. In: Structural Equation Modeling: Applications in Ecological and Evolutionary Biology Research. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 409 pp.

    Reiners, W., Baker, W. L., Baron Jill S., D. M. Debinski, S. A. Elias, D. B. Fagre, J. S. Findley, L. O. Mearns, D. W. Roberts, T. R. Seastedt, T. J. Stohlgren, T. T. Veblen, and F. H. Wagner. 2003. Natural Ecosystems I: The Rocky Mountains. Pages 145-184 In F. H. Wagner, editor. Rocky Mountain/Great Basin Regional Climate Change Assessment. Report for the U. S. Global Change Research Program. Utah State University, Logan, UT, USA.

    Roon DA, Waits LP, Kendall KC. 2003. A quantitative evaluation of two methods for preserving hair samples. Molecular Ecology Notes. 3:163-166.

    Ruth, T.K., D.W. Smith, M.A. Haroldson, P.C. Buotte, C.C. Schwartz, H.B. Quigley, S. Cherry, K.M. Murphy, D. Tyers, and K. Frey. 2003. Large-carinvore response to recreational big-game hunting along the Yellowstone National Park and Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness boundary. Wildlife Society Bulletin 31(4):1150-1161.

    Schwartz CC, Haroldson MA, editors. 2003. Yellowstone grizzly bear investigations: annual report of the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team, 2002. Bozeman (MT): U.S. Geological Survey.

    Schwartz CC, Miller SD, Haroldson MA. 2003. Grizzly bear. In: Feldhamer G, Thompson B, Chapman J, editors. Wild Mammals of North America. Baltimore (MD): The Johns Hopkins University Press. p 556-86.

    Schwartz CC, Keating KA, Reynolds HV III, Barnes VG Jr., Sellers R, Swenson JE, Miller SD, McClellan BN, Keay, McCann JR, Gibeau M, Wakkinen W, Mace RD, Kasworm W, Smith R, and Herrero S. 2003. Reproductive maturation and senescence in the female brown bear. Ursus 14(2): 109-119.

    Schwartz CC, Swenson JE, Miller SD. 2003. Large carnivores, moose, and humans: a changing paradigm of predator management in the 21st century. Alces 39:41-63.

    Tomer A, Pugesek BH. 2003. Guidelines for implementation and publication of SEM studies. In: Structural Equation Modeling: Applications in Ecological and Evolutionary Biology Research. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 409 pp.


    Cherry S, Haroldson MA, Robison-Cox J, Schwartz CC. 2002. Estimating total human-caused mortality from reported mortality using data from radio-instrumented grizzly bears. Ursus 13:175-84.

    Clampitt L. 2002. A National Map for Montana [abstract]. In Proceedings, 2002 Montana / Idaho GIS Conference - Northern Rockies Chapter of the Urban-Regional Information System Association; 2002, April 8-11; Big Sky. Montana (MT).

    Corn PS, Muths E. 2002. Variable breeding phenology affects the exposure of amphibian embryos to ultraviolet radiation. Ecology 83: 2958–2963.

    Fagre, D. B., D. Selkowitz, B. Reardon, K. Holzer, and L. McKeon. 2002. Modeling and measuring snow for assessing climate change impacts in Glacier National Park, Montana. Pages 417-424 in Proceedings of International Snow Science Workshop, Penticton, B.C., Canada, Sept. 29 - Oct. 4, 2002. International Snow Science Workshop Canada, Inc.

    Fagre DB, Peterson DL. 2002. Modeling and monitoring ecosystem responses to climate change in 3 North American mountain ranges. In: Korner Ch, Spehn EM, editors. Mountain Biodiversity: a global assessment. London: Parthenon Publishing. p 251-261.

    Gogan PJP, Podruzny KM, Olexa EM. 2002. Projecting the Demographic Consequences of Management of Yellowstone Bison: Slaughtered Bison Sampling Winter 2001 - 2002. Annual Report. 10pp.

    Gunther KA, Bruscino MT, Cain S, Hanauska-Brown L, Frey K, Haroldson MA, Schwartz CC. 2002. Grizzly bear-human conflicts, confrontations, and management actions in the Yellowstone Ecosystem, 2001. In: Schwartz CC, Haroldson MA, editors. Yellowstone grizzly bear investigations: annual report of the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team, 2001. Bozeman (MT): U.S. Geological Survey. p 56-93.

    Haroldson, M.A., M. Ternent, K. Gunther, and C.C. Schwartz. 2002. Grizzly bear denning chronology and movements in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Ursus 13:29-37.

    Hauer, F. R., D. B. Fagre, and J. A. Stanford. 2002. Hydrologic processes and nutrient dynamics in a pristine mountain catchment. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 28:1490-1493.

    Hess SJ. 2002. Aerial survey methodology for bison population estimation in Yellowstone National Park. [dissertation]. Bozeman (MT): Montana State University. 154 p.

    Hundertmark KJ, Shields GF, Udina IG, Bowyer RT, Danilkin AA, Schwartz CC. 2002. Mitochondrial phylogeography of moose (Alces alces): late Pleistocene divergence and population expansion. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 22:375-87.

    Keating KA, Schwartz CC, Haroldson MA, Moody D. 2002. Estimating number of females with cubs-of-the-year in the Yellowstone grizzly bear population. Ursus 13:161-74.

    Keating KA. 2002. History of pronghorn population monitoring, research, and management in Yellowstone National Park. Unpublished technical report. 56 p + appendices.

    Keating KA. 2002. A history of pronghorns in Yellowstone National Park. Paper presented at the Yellowstone Pronghorn Conservation Assessment Workshop, Mammoth, Wyoming, January 28-31.

    Key CH, Benson NC. 2002. Measuring and Remote sensing of burn severity. In Coffelt JL, Livingston RK, U.S. Geological Survey Wildland Fire Workshop, Los Alamos, NM October 31-November 3, 2000. USGS Open-File Report 02-11. p 55.

    Key CH, Benson N, Sorbel B, Zhu Z, Ohlen D, Howard SM, Clement B. 2002 June. National Park Service - U.S. Geological Survey National Burn Severity Mapping Project. Retrieved September 30, 2002 from USGS EROS Data Center archive and web site:

    Key, C. H., D. B. Fagre, and R. K. Menicke. 2002. Glacier retreat in Glacier National Park, Montana. Pages J365-J381 In R. S. Jr. Williams and J. G. Ferrigno, editors. Satellite Image Atlas of Glaciers of the World, Glaciers of North America - Glaciers of the Western United States. United States Government Printing Office, Washington D. C., USA.

    Klasner FL, Fagre DB. 2002. A Half Century of Change in Alpine Treeline Patterns at Glacier National Park, Montana, U.S.A. J Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Res (34):53-61.

    Knudsen, Kathy L., Clint C. Muhlfeld, George C. Sage, Robb F. Leary. 2002. Genetic structure of Columbia River redband trout populations in the Kootenai River drainage, Montana, revealed by microsatellite and allozyme loci. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 131:1093–1105.

    Mattson DJ, Podruzny S, Haroldson MA. 2002. Consumption of fungal sporocarps by Yellowstone grizzly bears. Ursus 13:95-103.

    Messier, F. Coughenour M. 2002 June. Bison research workshop, Montana, June 10-13, 2002. Record of Discussion and Recommendations. 22p.

    Muhlfeld, Clint C. 2002. Spawning characteristics of redband trout in a headwater stream in Montana. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22:1314–1320.

    Podruzny SR, Cherry S, Schwartz CC, Landenburger LA. 2002. Grizzly bear denning and potential conflict areas in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Ursus 13:19-28.

    Pugesek, BH. 2002. Book review: Cause and correlation in biology: A user's guide to path analysis, structural equations and causal inference. Ecoscience 9:132.

    Pugesek, BH, Baldwin MJ. 2002. Final report and recommendations for restricted sampling effort of blue crabs at Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, Texas. Technical Report 57 p.

    Roffe TJ, Sweeney SJ. 2002. Tolazoline reversal of xylazine in bison (Bison bison): Mitigation of adverse effects. Proc. Wildlife Disease Association, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA July 2002.

    Roffe TJ, Jones L, Coffin KC, Sweeney SJ, Drew M, Elzer P, Davis P. 2002. Effectiveness of Brucella abortus Strain 19 single calfhood vaccination in elk (Cervus elaphus). Proceedings of the Wildlife Disease Association, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA July 2002.

    Roffe TJ, Sweeney SJ. 2002. Tolazoline reversal of xylazine in bison (Bison bison): Mitigation of adverse effects. Proc. Wildlife Disease Association, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA July 2002.

    Schwartz CC, Haroldson MA, Gunther K, Moody D. 2002. Distribution of grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, 1990-2000. Ursus 13:203-12.

    Schwartz CC. 2002. The paradigm of grizzly bear restoration in North America. In Maehr D, editor. Large Mammal Restoration in North America: ecological and sociological considerations in the 21st century. Washington DC: Island Press. p 225-229.

    Schwartz CC, Haroldson MA, editors. 2002. Yellowstone grizzly bear investigations: annual report of the Interagency Study Team, 2001. Bozeman (MT): U.S. Geological Survey. 68 p.

    Selkowitz, D. J., D. B. Fagre, and B. A. Reardon. 2002. Interannual variations in snowpack in the crown of the continent ecosystem. Hydrological Processes. 16:3651-3665.

    Selkowitz, D. J., D. B. Fagre, and B. A. Reardon. 2002. Spatial and temporal snowpack variation in the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem. Pages 98-109 in Proceedings of 70th Annual Meeting of theWestern Snow Conference, May 20 - 23, 2002, Granby, CO.

    Sojda RS. 2002. Artificial intelligence based decision support for trumpeter swan management. PhD Dissertation. Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University. 193 p.

    Sojda RS, Cornely JE, and Fredrickson LH. 2002. An application of queuing theory to waterfowl migration. In Rizzoli AE and Jakemen AJ, eds. Integrated Assessment and Decision Support: Proceedings of the First International Environmental Modelling and Software Society 2:251-256.

    Sojda RS, Cornely JE, Howe AE. 2002. Development of an expert system for assessing trumpeter swan breeding habitat in the Northern Rocky Mountains. Waterbirds 25(1):313-318.

    Taper ML, Gogan PJP. 2002. The northern Yellowstone elk: density dependence and climatic conditions. J. Wildl. Manage. 66(1):106-122.

    Tomback D, Kendall, KC. 2002. Rocky Road in the Rockies: Challenges to Biodiversity. In Baron, J S. Rocky Mountain Futures: An Ecological Perspective. Island Press, Washington, DC. p 153-180.

    Travis WR, Theobald DM, Fagre DB. 2002. Transforming the Rockies: Human Forces, Settlement Patterns, and Ecosystem Effects. In: Baron J, editor. Rocky Mountain Futures: an ecological perspective. Covelo, California:Island Press.

    White JD, Running SW, Ryan KC, Key CH. 2002. Fuzzy logic merger of spectral and ecological information for improved montane forest mapping. Geocarto International 17(1):59-66.

    Whitlock C, Reasoner MA, Key CH. 2002. Paleoenvironmental history of the Rocky Mountain region during the past 20,000 years. In Baron JS editor. Rocky Mountain Futures. 1st ed. Washington D.C.: Island Press. p 41-57.

    Wright CK, Sojda RS, Goodman D. 2002. Bayesian time series analysis of segments of the Rocky Mountain trumpeter swan population. Waterbirds 25(1):319-326.

    Publications Before 2002

    Anderson D.R., K.P. Burnham, B.C. Lubow, L. Thomas, P.S. Corn, P.A. Medica, and R.W. Marlow. 2001. Field trials of line transect methods applied to estimation of desert tortoise abundance. Journal of Wildlife Management 65: 583-597.

    Berger J, Testa JW, Roffe TJ, Monfort SL. 2001. Conservation endocrinology: a noninvasive tool to understand relationships between carnivore colonization and ecological carrying capacity. Conservation Biology 13(5)980-999.

    Bjornlie, D.D. and R.A. Garrott. 2001. Effects of winter road grooming on bison in YNP. Journal of Wildlife Management 65: 560-572.

    Boyce, M.S., D.I. MacKenzie, B.E.J. Manley, M.A. Haroldson, and D. Moody. 2001. Negative binomial models for abundance estimation of multiple closed populations. Journal of Wildlife Management. 65: 498-509.

    p class="ref">Brinkman, S. J., G. L. Larson, and R. E. Gresswell. Spawning migration of bull trout in the North Fork Skokomish River, Olympic National Park, Washington. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 130: 981-987. [ Full Text ]

    Bugmann H, Fagre DB. 2001. Integrated model-based studies of environmental change in different mountain regions. In Becker A, Bugmann H, editors. Global Change and Mountain Regions, The Mountain Research Initiative. Zurich, Switzerland: International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme Report No. 49, p 37-44.

    Cherry, M. 2001. Biological assessment: the effects of snowmobile use on grizzly bears, Gallatin National Forest. (USGS employees Podruzny, Landenburger, Haroldson, and Schwartz provided the necessary data analysis for this report).

    Corn, P.S. 2001. A plague of frogs: the horrifying true story. Quarterly Review of Biology. 76: 64-65 (book review).

    Corn, P.S. 2001. Perspectives from the Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute: Amphibians and wilderness. International Journal of Wilderness 7(2): 25.

    Corn, P.S. and R.A. Knapp. 2000. Fish Stocking in protected areas: summary of a workshop in Cole, D.N., McCool, S.F., Borrie, W.T., O'Loughlin, J., compilers. Wilderness science in a time of change conference-Volume 5: Wilderness ecosystems, threats, and management. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. Proceedings RMRS-P-0-VOL-5. p 301-303.

    Cross, PC & SR Beissinger. 2001. Using logistic regression to analyze the sensitivity of PVA models: a comparison of methods based on African Wild Dogs. Conservation Biology. 15(5):1335-1346.

    Davis DS, Roffe TJ, Elzer PH. 2000. Safety of Brucella abortus RB51 and Strain 19 vaccines in coyotes (Canis latrans). Proceedings of the U.S. Animal Health Association 104:239-242.

    Despain, D.G. 2001. Dispersal ecology of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Doug.) in its native environment as related to Swedish forestry. Forest Ecology and Management 141: 59-68.

    Edwards JF, Davis DS, Roffe TJ, Ramiro-Ibanez F, Elzer PH. 2001. Fusobacteriosis in captive wild-caught pronghorns (Antilocapra americana). Vet Pathol 38:549-552.

    Elzer PH, Smith JA, Edwards JF, Roffe TJ, Davis DS. 2000. Safety of Brucella vaccines in pronghorn antelope. Proceedings of the U.S. Animal Health Association 104:203-7.

    Engelmark O., K. Sj”berg, B. Andersson, O. Rosvall, G.I. Ogren, W.L. Baker, P. Barklund, C. Bj”rkman, D.G. Despain, B. Elfving and others. 2001. Ecological effects and management aspects of an exotic tree species: the case of lodgepole pine in Sweden. Forest Ecology and Management 141:3-13.

    Fagre, D.B. and F.L. Klasner. 2000. Application of Snow Models to Snow Removal Operations on the Going-to-the-Sun Road, Glacier National Park. in A merging of theory and practice; Proceedings of the international snow science workshop; 2000 Oct. 1-6; Big Sky, MT. pp: 266-272.

    Fagre, D.B., K. Tonnessen, K. Morris, G. Ingersoll, L. McKeon, and K. Holzer. 2000. An Elevational Gradient in Snowpack Chemical Loading at Glacier National Park, Montana: Implications for Ecosystem Processes. In A merging of theory and practice; Proceedings of the international snow science workshop; 2000 Oct. 1-6; Big Sky, MT. pp: 462-467.

    Gogan PJP, Barrett RH, Shook WT, Kucera TE. 2001. Control of ungulate numbers in a protected area. Wildlife Society Bulletin 29(4):1075-1088.

    Gogan, P.J.P., J.A. Mack, W.G. Brewster, E.M. Olexa and W.E. Clark. 2001. Ecological studies of bison in the Greater Yellowstone Area: development and implementation. The George Wright Forum 18: 67-75.

    Gresswell, R. E. 1999. Fire and aquatic ecosystems in forested biomes of North America. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 128:193-221. [ Full Text ]

    Hilderbrand GV, Schwartz CC, Robbins CT, Hanley TA. 2000. Effect of hibernation and reproductive status on body mass and condition of coastal brown bears. Journal of Wildlife Management 64:178-183.

    Jennings M., R. Beiswenger, P.S. Corn, M. Parker, A. Pessier, B. Spencer, and P.S. Miller, editors. 2001. Population and habitat viability assessment for the Wyoming toad (Bufo baxteri). Final Workshop Report. Apple Valley, MN: IUCN/SSC Conservation Breeding Specialist Group. 104 p.

    Keigley, R.B. 2000. Elk, beaver, and the persistence of willows in national parks: comment on Singer et al. (1998). Wildlife Society Bulletin 28:448-450.

    Keigley, R.B., and F.H. Wagner. 2000. What is "Natural"?: Yellowstone Elk Population-A case study. Integrative Biology. 1:133-148.

    Keigley, R.B., and J. Ensign. 2001. 2000 Annual Report: Hosing Pasture Browse Study. Pp. 71-74 in Knapp, S. and M. Frisina (eds.). Statewide browse evaluation project: Report no. 1. Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks, Helena, MT.

    Keigley, R.B., C. Fager, and K. Douglass. 2001. Permanent browse monitoring stations at Mt. Haggin Wildlife Management Area. Pp. 27-36 in Knapp, S. and M. Frisina (eds.). Statewide browse evaluation project: Report no. 1. Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks, Helena, MT.

    Keigley, R.B., and M.R. Frisina. 2001. Browse conditions at Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge. Pp. 45-48 in Knapp, S. and M. Frisina (eds.). Statewide browse evaluation project: Report no. 1. Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks, Helena, MT.

    Keigley, R.B., M.R. Frisina, and C. Fager. 2001a. Assessing browse trend at the landscape level. Pp. 15-26 in Knapp, S. and M. Frisina (eds.). Statewide browse evaluation project: Report no. 1. Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks, Helena, MT.

    Keigley, R.B., M.R. Frisina, and C. Fager. 2001b. Browsing history as an indicator of range capacity. Pp. 5-13 in Knapp, S. and M. Frisina (eds.). Statewide browse evaluation project: Report no. 1. Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks, Helena, MT.

    Keigley, R.B., and G. Gale. 2001. Effect of browsing on willow in the Steel Creek grazing allotment. Pp. 37-44 in Knapp, S. and M. Frisina (eds.). Statewide browse evaluation project: Report no. 1. Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks, Helena, MT.

    Keigley, R.B., and G. Olson. 2001. The condition of browse plants at the Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Ranch. Pp. 65-70 in Knapp, S. and M. Frisina (eds.). Statewide browse evaluation project: Report no. 1. Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks, Helena, MT.

    Kendall, K.C. 2000. Afterword in Skurzynksi, G. and A. Ferguson. The Hunted, National Geographic Society. Washington, DC. (Afterword for book)

    Kendall, K.C. and R.E. Keane. 2001. Whitebark pine decline: Infection, mortality, and population trends. Pages 221-242 in Tomback, D.F., S.F. Arno, and R.E. Keane (eds.). Whitebark pine communities: Ecology and restoration. Island Press. Washington, DC. (Book Chapter)

    Kendall, KC. 2001. Status and Distribution of Whitebark and Limber Pine in Glacier, Yellowstone, and Grand Teton National Parks. West Glacier, MT. Glacier National Park. Pg.16 In Science Summary: Glacier National Park, Montana: Research and Resources Management Projects 1997-1999. 40 p.

    Kendall, KC. 10/2001. DNA Fingerprinting to monitor grizzly bear populations in the Greater Glacier Area. West Glacier, MT. Glacier National Park. Pg.29 in Science Summary: Glacier National Park, Montana: Research and Resources Management Projects 1997-1999. 40 pgs.

    Kester, C. L., R. O. Rye, C. A. Johnson, C. C. Schwartz, and C. H. Holmes. 2001. On-line sulfur isotope analysis of organic material by direct combustion: preliminary results and potential applications. Isotopes Environ. Health Stud. 37:53-65.

    Knapp, R.A., P.S. Corn, and D.E. Schindler. 2001. The introduction of nonnative fish into wilderness lakes: good intentions, conflicting mandates, and unintended consequences. Ecosystems 4: 275-278.

    Love, J.D., J.C. Reed, and K.L. Pierce. 2001. Creation of the Teton Landscape, A geologic chronicle of Jackson Hole and The Teton Range. A 156-page manuscript plus 96 illustrations was completed in early 2001 and submitted to the Grand Teton National History Association for evaluation for publication.

    Malanson, G.P., N. Xiao, K. Alftine, M. Bekker, D.R. Butler, D.G. Brown, D.M. Cairns, D. Fagre, and S.J. Walsh. 2001. Abiotic and biotic controls of spatial pattern at alpine treeline. Proc. 4th International Conf. on Integrating GIS and Environmental Modeling (GIS/EM4): Problems, Prospects and Research Needs. Banff, Alberta, Canada, September 2-8, 2000.

    Mattson, D.J., K.C. Kendall, and D.P. Reinhart. 2001. Whitebark pine, grizzly bears and red squirrels. Pages 121-136 in Tomback, D.F., S.F. Arno, and R.E. Keane (eds.). Whitebark pine communities: Ecology and restoration. Island Press. Washington, DC. (Book Chapter)

    Muhlfeld, Clint C., David H. Bennett, and Brian Marotz. 2001. Summer habitat use by Columbia River redband trout in the Kootenai River drainage, Montana. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 21:223–235.

    Muhlfeld, Clint C., David H.Bennett, and Brian Marotz. 2001. Fall and winter habitat use and movement by Columbia River redband trout in a small stream in Montana. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 21:170–177.

    Muths, E., T.L. Johnson, and P.S. Corn. 2001. Experimental repatriation of boreal toad (Bufo boreas) eggs, metamorphs, and adults in Rocky Mountain National Park. Southwestern Naturalist 46:106-113.

    Olexa, E.M., P.J.P. Gogan, and K.M. Podruzny. 2001. Evaluation of a GPS used in conjunction with aerial telemetry. Biotelemetry 15: 380-389

    Peterson, K. 2001. Identification and Prioritization of Whitebark Pine Habitat for Prescribed Fire in Glacier National Park. West Glacier, MT. Glacier National Park. Pg.20 in Science Summary: Glacier National Park, Montana: Research and Resources Management Projects 1997-1999. 40 p.

    Pierce KL, Despain, DG, Morgan LA, Good, JM. The Yellowstone hotspot, greater Yellowstone ecosystem, and human geography, in Morgan LA. Recent Developments in Yellowstone Geology: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper, Chapter A, [36 ms pages, 20 illustrations. Approved by the Director 2/22/2000].

    Reinhart, D.P., M.A. Haroldson, D.J. Mattson, and K.A. Gunther. 2001. Effects of exotic species on Yellowstone's grizzly bears. Western North American Naturalist 61:277-288.

    Rhyan, J.C, T. Gidlewski, T.J. Roffe, K. Aune, L.M. Philo and D.R. Ewalt. 2001. Pathology of brucellosis in bison from Yellowstone National Park. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 37(1):101-109.

    Rhyan JC, Gidlewski T, Roffe TJ, Aune K, Philo LM, Ewalt DR. 2001. Pathology of brucellosis in bison from Yellowstone National Park. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 37(1):101-9.

    Roffe TJ, Coffin K, Berger J. 2001. Survival and immobilizing moose with carfentanil and xylazine. Wildlife Society Bull. 29(4):1140-1146.

    Roffe TJ, Jones LC, Coffin K, Sweeney SJ, Hansen RD. 2001. Parenteral delivery of vaccines to free-ranging bison in Yellowstone National Park. Proceedings of the U.S. Animal Health Association 105:135-141.

    Schwartz, C.C . 2000. Radio-tracking large wilderness mammals: integration of Global Positioning Systems and Argos technology. P. 4 in Handley, L.R., F.J. D'Erchia, and T.M. Charron. Extended abstracts from BioGeo99: Applications of geospatial technology to biological sciences. U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division, Information and Technology Report USGS/BRD/ITR-2000-0008, 43 pp.

    Shields GF, Adams D, Garner G, Labelle M, Pietsch J, Ramsay R, Schwartz CC, Titus K, Williamson S. 2000. Phylogeography of mitochondrial DNA variation in brown bears and polar bears. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 15:319-326.

    Sojda, R.S., J.E. Cornely, L.H. Fredrickson, and A.E. Howe. 2000. Current research efforts in decision support system technology as applied to trumpeter swan management. In: Shea, R., M.H. Linck, and H.K. Nelson, eds. Proceedings and Papers of the 17th Trumpeter Swan Society Conference. North American Swans (Special Edition): Bulletin of the Trumpeter Swan Society 29(1): 139-144. The Trumpeter Swan Society. Maple Plain, MN.

    Taper, M. L., M. Meagher and C. L. Jerde. 2000. The phenology of space: spatial aspects of bison density dependence in Yellowstone National Park. Typewritten report. 263pp, maps.

    Tomback, D.F. and K.C. Kendall. 2001. Biodiversity losses: the downward spiral. Pages 243-262 in Tomback, D.F., S.F. Arno, and R.E. Keane, editors. Whitebark pine communities: Ecology and restoration. Island Press. Washington, DC. (Book Chapter)

    Welling, L., G. Seielstad, P. McClurg and D. Fagre. 2001. The Upper Midwest Aerospace Consortium Environmental Information Network: Building 'Learning Communities' in the Northern Great Plains. In Proceedings of an International Conference, Climate Change Communication, Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, June 22-24, 2000 p. B3-1.