NIH Extramural Nexus

Where Grants Policy, Program Coordination, Compliance and Electronic Research Administration Converge

The NIH Extramural Nexus is a monthly update from the NIH Office of Extramural Research (OER), NIH. The OER is the hub for grants policy and operations, grants administration, and the coordination of NIH's extramural programs and activities. Through the Nexus, the OER will provide the external scientific community with updates on NIH policies and activities as well as an opportunity to gain a better understanding of the operation of extramural programs. We intend the Nexus to be a two-way communications portal — we will be listening to you and plan to modify the content of the Nexus accordingly.

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Past Issues:


  • November 2007 - (HTML or PDF - 1.44 MB)
  • September 2007 - (HTML or PDF - 575 KB)
  • July 2007 - (HTML or PDF - 440 KB)
  • May 2007 - (HTML or PDF - 767 KB)
  • March 2007 - (HTML or PDF - 647 KB)
  • January 2007 - (HTML or PDF - 456 KB)
  • November 2006 - (HTML or PDF - 659 KB)
  • September 2006 - (HTML or PDF - 177 KB)
  • July 2006 - (HTML or PDF - 403 KB)
  • May 2006 - (HTML or PDF - 248 KB)
  • April 2006 - (HTML or PDF - 336 KB)
  • January 2006 - (HTML or PDF - 386 KB) - Introducing the NIH Extramural Nexus (first issue)


Articles, comments, questions and suggestions may be addressed to the Editor. The NIH Extramural Nexus reserves the right to select and edit items submitted for inclusion.

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