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Education - RCR Resource Development Program - Round 3

Round 5 - 2006 / Round 4 - 2005 / Round 2 - 2003 / Round 1 - 2002

Round 3 - 2004

ORI supported 9 projects in the third round of the RCR Resource Development Program. The awardees included 6 universities, 1 college, 1 hospital, and 1 commercial firm.

Descriptions of the Projects

Online Education on the Responsible Conduct of Research: Oversight of Data Management
Meghan Coulehan

Clinical Tools, Inc.

This project will create an interactive, Internet-based course for the oversight of data management. The course will include background information on the topic, as well as tools and resources to help researchers oversee the management of data. Content will focus on information about data collection, storage, ownership, analysis, reporting, and retention. Information and suggestions about defining research staff roles and responsibilities related to data management and establishing a communication plan will be addressed at length in the course. Interactive features – such as a self-quiz, case studies, and planning checklist – will be included to encourage active learning. Evaluation will be performed on the course interface, navigation, and content through usability and pilot testing. The final product will be available online. Completed

Boston College RCR Educational Program for Administrative Staff Members
Stephen Erickson

Boston College

Efforts to promote the responsible conduct of research have focused on those who carry out the research: the PIs, research staff, and students. This approach has left a gap in RCR education by omitting administrative staff members. Although not directly involved in the research, administrators play an important part in promoting the integrity of the research enterprise. Frequently, administrators encounter ethical decisions in an environment of competing obligations and responsibilities. Administrative staff members need to develop the skills to 1) identify when situations present ethical conflicts, 2) reason among possible courses of action, and 3) effectively implement their best solution to the problem. Skill development is further enhanced by having a network of peer support. The RCR materials and program we propose to develop are designed to fill this gap in RCR education and to enhance the environment of research integrity of an institution that uses them. Completed

Teaching RCR with Humans (RCRH)
Stanley Korenman

University of California - Los Angeles

This project will a scenario-based, interactive course book for the teaching of the responsible conduct of research with humans (RCRH). The course book will involve didactic text, illustrative scenarios and a large annotated bibliography. The didactic matter will be brief, and presented in an inquiring manner. The scenarios will be drawn from real cases if possible, anonymized and optimized for pedagogical use. The great majority of the scenarios will have been tested in the principal investigator’s annual course on RCRH. The course book will include sections on Experimental Design, Consent, Oversight, Conflicts of Interest, International Research, Genetics, and Malfeasance-Misconduct. This will provide all the necessities for a sophisticated problem-based course on RCRH.  Completed

Active Learning Online on Responsible Mentoring and Collaboration
Murali Krishnamurthi

Northern Illinois University

This project will address the high demand for instructional resources on two of the nine core RCR modules, namely, Collaborative Science and Mentor/Trainee Responsibilities, and will result in the development of online modules for these core topics. The modules will be developed using sound adult learning principles based on the Kolb Learning Theory and active learning principles, and will make use of the relationships between the two topics. The modules will be developed by a project team experienced in developing online RCR educational modules with a variety of activities such as games, quizzes, cases, and decision trees for engaging diverse learners. A formal evaluation approach will be applied for pilot testing the modules and evaluating the outcomes of the project. The modules will be delivered fully online and made available freely to a broad range of research personnel in diverse institutions for self-paced instruction in a variety of disciplines. Collaboration Module | Mentorship Module

Basic Training in Research Design Concepts for Novice Research Staff
Camille Nebeker

San Diego State University

This project will design, develop, evaluate, and distribute a web-based instructional module on basic research design and methodology for use in training Community Health Workers (CHWs) and other lay/novice research staff. Investigators conducting community-based research continue to rely on and prefer the CHW model to deliver public health interventions. In recent interviews with investigators regarding appropriate training for CHWs, the need for training basic research design was a priority. Preliminary data indicate that most CHWs have a high school education and have not received formal training in research methods. A basic knowledge of research methods is believed necessary for novice/lay research staff to understand research and the basis for applying responsible research practices. If the design is not understood, the protocol may not be carried out as intended and, subsequently, compromise integrity. Focus groups input will guide the curricular content and format. Evaluation and distribution plans are described.Completed

Assessment Tools for Evaluating University RCR Programs
Lynne Olson

Ohio State University

An online assessment will be developed to help institutes evaluate their current RCR programs.

The Development of RCR Internet-based E-seminars on Collaborative Science and Data Management
Daniel Vasgird

Columbia University

Columbia will add to its series of Internet-based e-seminars to facilitate and advance the instruction of research integrity practices. These e-seminars will address two areas of increasing complexity and importance to those engaged in PHS funded research: Collaborative Science and Data Management. The e-seminars will build on the pedagogical and technical approaches used in the development of Columbia’s first two e-seminars: Conflicts of Interest and Mentoring. They will combine content and pedagogy available in traditional classroom settings with compelling new multimedia techniques for presenting information. They will utilize a dynamic problem-oriented case-based study approach. This “learning-by-doing” approach is ideally suited to both an online environment and a classroom setting. Each e-seminar will be designed for completion in approximately three hours. The e-seminars will be used at Columbia University and be available to the research community for free via an open web site. Completed-Data Management     Completed-Collaborative Science

Computer-based Tool for Peer Review: Evaluating Data Analyses
Min Qi Wang

University of Maryland.

This proposed project will develop a Web-based evaluation tool to assess the data analysis section of a submission. The tool will help enhance the analytical skills and competencies of peer reviewers to judge the appropriateness of statistical reporting and to detect common statistical mistakes, thus improving the quality of the peer review process. The scope of the work will focus on the most commonly used statistical procedures in all scientific disciplines including univariate and multivariate logistic regression, linear regression models, factorial analysis of variance, analysis of covariance, repeated analysis of variance, and multivariate analysis of variance. Completed

Mentoring International Postdocs: Working Together to Advance Science and Careers
Wendy Williams

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

There are few resources for faculty who mentor international postdoctoral fellows. The aim of this project is to develop a guidebook with video supplement that addresses the special challenges associated with the training and career development of this large subgroup of postdocs. This electronic guidebook will be divided into five content areas, with interactive elements and one or more videotaped vignettes illustrating common problems and alternative courses of action. This training guide is expected to be an effective method of identifying issues, raising awareness, and facilitating problem-solving, with the goal of promoting a positive mentoring environment for both mentor and trainee. Completed

This page last was updated on July 9, 2007
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