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News & Events Archive

2009: Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun
2008: Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec

Week ending June 19, 2009

U.S. Geological Survey hosts the International Map Trade Association (IMTA) Americas Board of Directors Meeting in Denver: IMTA, established in 1981, represents the international mapping, geospatial, and geographic information industry world-wide. Ron Lofton attended the June 5, 2009, Board of Directors meeting to discuss key issues facing the Geospatial industry and the Association. Issues discussed: financial status, market research, general business conditions and the consumer survey; 2009 Albuquerque Conference and educational program; review of management performance; International Report; and the Coalition of Geospatial Organizations.

During the meeting, the Americas Board agreed to establish a Map Awards Program recognizing outstanding presentation and usability of cartographic related products. The awards will be divided into several categories including computer based products, Internet Web sites, and map related products (compasses, Map display stands, GPS units). The awards will be presented at the Annual dinner in Albuquerque.

This year′s Americas conference will be held in Albuquerque New Mexico, in September. The Association is looking at taking bold steps to increase the visibility and value of membership during this conference. Mr. George Whalin is this year�s key note speaker talking about "Doing Business in a Changing world". The educational program focuses on business conditions, new technologies and digital information sessions. Visit their website at (Ron Lofton, Denver, CO 303 202-4115)

Viewer Development Support: Since April 15, Jeff Hanson and Calvin Meyer have been involved with cartographic review and edit of tiled data that will feed the new viewer. Small scale data is based on content derived from The National Atlas, and large scale data is based on content derived from The National Map. The map document files are then accessed by John Schramek through ArcGIS Server to create tiled caches at various scales to improve The National Map viewer refresh times. The new viewer is based on the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency's web-based Palanterra technology, and is expected to be ready for public demonstration at the ESRI user conference in San Diego, CA from July 13-17. The viewer can be accessed at The National Map Viewer Technology Beta site. (Calvin Meyer, Rolla, Mo., 573-308-3762)

"Digital Map – Beta": Ten quadrangles are ready for GDA load/USGS Store. 1183 quadrangles are ready for export/assembly to final GeoPDF products (Arizona 185, California 302, and Louisiana 696). Approximately 70% of the quadrangles in Nebraska have been edited. Grids and annotations are completed for quadrangles in Wyoming and annotation edits have started. (Jerry Wagner, Rolla, Mo., 573-308-3764)

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Week ending June 12, 2009

The USGS National Geospatial Program (NGP) has released the "Digital Map – Beta" website to support the new mapping program. The "Digital Map – Beta" is the first step toward a new generation of digital topographic maps and is available for free download. The site can be found as a link off The National Map web site. (Mark Newell, Rolla, MO 573-308-3850)

The release of the new USGS "Digital Map – Beta" was reviewed in the June 9 issue of Directions Magazine.

USGS Director of Geography, Bryant Cramer, posted a blog discussing the release of the "Digital Map – Beta" and its relation to the USGS Science Strategies. (USGS intranet only)

National Geospatial Program Director, Mark DeMulder, recorded a Podcast announcing the release of the "Digital Map – Beta" and explained some of the project details. (USGS intranet only)

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Week ending June 5, 2009

USGS programs including The National Map, Geospatial One-Stop, and the National Atlas as well as USGS geospatial data and its support of the web site were part of a Podcast produced and distributed by Directions Magazine.

Week ending May 8, 2009

Iowa Geographic Award: Bob Lemen, USGS Geospatial Liaison for Iowa, was recently presented with the Iowa Geographic Information Council (IGIC) Annual "Networking Award" at the 9th Biennial IGIC Conference in Waterloo, IA for his contributions to the state of Iowa and the IGIC. Additionally, he gave a presentation on "USGS Support During the 2008 Iowa Floods" (Bob Lemen, Rolla, MO 573-308-3736)

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Week ending May 1, 2009

Iowa Geographic Information Council: The Rolla Science Information & Library Services (SILS), working in partnership with the USGS Geospatial Liaison for Iowa, participated at the Iowa Geographic Information Council Conference, April 20-22, in Waterloo, Iowa. The USGS sponsored an exhibit that emphasized geospatial data available from the USGS, including a display on The National Map and a display on GeoPDF files available using the USGS Map Locator and Downloader. Attendees included representatives from public and private entities that access, collect, provide, and share data, metadata, applications and educational opportunities. The presence of the USGS at this conference provides leadership in the advancement of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) by facilitating collaboration between and among the stakeholders within the geospatial community. The presentations also highlighted the valuable USGS geospatial data support during the State's response and recovery efforts after the recent floods. (Patrick Wilson, Rolla, MO 573-308-3653)

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Week ending April 24, 2009

Special Congressional Maps: The National Atlas element of the National Geospatial Technical Operations Center (NGTOC) has recently completed a number of special Congressional maps. They include maps of the New Jersey 9th Congressional District, the Northern Mariana Islands Congressional District and maps of Indian Tribes locations in the coterminous U.S., which was produced for the Senate Indian Affairs Committee. (Dan Vincent, Rolla, MO., 573-308-3689)

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Week ending April 10, 2009

Rolla USGS Hosts Geography College Students: The Rolla Science Information & Library Services (SILS) organized the educational program for nearly 30 geography students visiting from Missouri State University in Springfield, Missouri, on April 10. The workshop included presentations from USGS scientists of the Missouri Water Science Center, the Mid-Continent Geographic Science Center, and the National Geospatial Technical Operations Center, on various themes including real-time water data, flood research, interpreting satellite imagery, land use/land cover activities, the Global Positioning System, The National Map and derivative products being developed from The National Map, and The National Atlas. Rolla SILS personnel covered several portions of the program including current and past processes used in creating topographic map products and data, USGS topographic maps available through the map locater and downloader at the USGS Store, and geospatial data available through USGS websites. This effort supports the outreach component of the USGS in its goal of initiation, coordination, and participation in scientific and educational programs, events, and activities that promotes the products and services of the USGS. (Keith Brady, Rolla, MO 573-308-3716)

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Week ending April 3, 2009

NGTOC Fact Sheet Released: The USGS National Geospatial Program (NGP) has released the initial "National Geospatial Technical Operations Center" (NGTOC) fact sheet. The fact sheet highlights the NGTOC mission and major products and services, featuring The National Map and The National Atlas of the United States. (Mark Newell, Rolla, MO 573-308-3850)

An article highlighting the upcoming 125th anniversary of the USGS topographic map was printed in the Spring edition of Arc News magazine.

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Week ending March 20, 2009

New Geographic Names Fact Sheet Released: The USGS National Geospatial Program (NGP) has released a new version of the "Geographic Names" fact sheet. The fact sheet highlights the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) which contains more than 2 million geographic names in the US. (Mark Newell, Rolla, MO 573-308-3850)

The price rise for the popular USGS 1:24,000 scale topographic map was reported in the March 16 edition of Directions Magazine and the March 17 issue of GIS User.

The USGS was noted in an article identify geospatial related programs in the economic stimulus bill as reported in the March 16 edition of GIS Café Magazine.

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Week ending March 13, 2009

USGS Activities Highlighted at Expo: The Rolla Science Information and Library Services (SILS) coordinated the USGS outreach at the Home & Business Expo in Rolla, Missouri, on March 6-7. The exhibit included the USGS Map Locator, a provisional edition of a new USGS 7.5' image map created using data from The National Map, and many different handouts on various programs and special projects. This effort supports the outreach component of the USGS in its goal of initiation, coordination, and participation in scientific and educational programs, events, and activities that promotes the products and services of the USGS. (John Fouke, Rolla, MO, 573-308-3698)

Emergency Preparedness Assistance: The National Geospatial Technical Operations Center (NGTOC) and the Rolla Science Information and Library Services (SILS) assisted the Dent County, Missouri, Fire District in acquiring the 2007 Missouri USGS 2-foot aerial imagery in TIFF format for use in their emergency numbering system software. SILS received the call for assistance on March 5, and worked in coordination with NGTOC for an arrangement in which the Fire District supplied a portable hard drive onto it. The USGT team provided the Fire District with hardcopy Dent County image maps that merged Missouri DOT County Map with 2007 imagery and 27 GB of 2-foot imagery. This effort supports the natural hazards preparedness and response component of the USGS in providing USGS science to help mitigate disasters and build resilient communities. (Larry Sego, Rolla, MO 573-308-3699)

A news release announcing new features and enhancements to the USGS Geospatial One Stop (GOS) was published in the March 9 edition of GIS User, and analyzed in the March 12 issue of Directions Magazine.

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Week ending March 6, 2009

Hazards Fact Sheet Released: The USGS National Geospatial Program (NGP) has released a new version of the "Hazards, Disasters and The National Map" fact sheet. The fact sheet highlights the USGS geospatial support available to Federal, State and local response and management personnel prior to and during natural hazards and other emergencies. (Mark Newell, Rolla, MO 573-308-3850)

The announcement of Lawrence (Larry) Handley as the Director of the USGS Mid-Continent Geographic Science Center (MCGSC) based in Rolla, MO was featured in the March 5 edition of The Rolla Daily News.

The USGS dissemination of new draft LiDAR specifications during the latest National States Geographic Information Council Conference was cited in the March 2 issue of Directions Magazine.

Major renovations and a lease extension of USGS Rolla Center along with the acquiring of the FBI and Mine Health and Safety Administration (MHSA) as building tenants was front page news in the March 9 edition of The Rolla Daily News.

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Week ending February 27, 2009

USGS Supports Science Olympiad: The Rolla USGS Science Information and Library Services (SILS) created and conducted the Road Scholar Event for middle school and high school students participating in the Missouri Science Olympiad hosted at the Missouri University of Science & Technology (MST) on February 23. The Road Scholar Event tested students' ability to read and interpret maps, including USGS topographic maps and Missouri State Highway Maps. This effort supports the outreach component of the USGS in its goal of initiation, coordination, and participation in scientific and educational programs, events, and activities that promotes the products and services of the USGS. (John Fouke, Rolla, MO, 573-308-3698)

Science Education Support: The Rolla USGS Science Information & Library Services (SILS) coordinated a workshop with high school juniors from Hillsboro, MO, February 26. Demonstrations in coordination with the USGS National Geospatial Technical Operations Center (NGTOC) and the USGS Mid-Continent Geographic Science Center MCGSC) included the history of the USGS mapping and discussions of the USGS role within the GIS community. This effort supports the outreach component of the USGS in its goal of helping educate the public about natural resources, natural hazards, geospatial data, and issues that affect our quality of life. (Keith Brady, Rolla, MO, 573-308-3716)

The USGS and The National Map were cited in an article discussing the impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in the February 23 issue of GISUser Magazine.

A presentation of The National Map by USGS National Geospatial Program Director Mark DeMulder to the National States Geospatial Information Council (NSGIC) was featured in the Feb 25 edition of Directions Magazine.

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Week ending February 20, 2009

Canadian Coordination: Representatives from the National Geospatial Technical Operations Center (NGTOC) met with Natural Resources Canada staff in Denver, February 17-18, to discuss mutual technical and organizational issues related to next generation topographic maps. The group also discussed data sharing across the border and the potential for future cooperation. (Kari Craun, Rolla, MO 573-308-3802)

Elementary Science Education: The Rolla Science Information & Library Services (SILS) coordinated the tour visit of 135 elementary school children from St. James, MO, on February 10. SILS worked in coordination with the USGS NGTOC, the USGS Mid-Continent Geographic Science Center, and the USGS Missouri Water Science Center to set up seven tour event stations including: An Explanation of Maps; Water Resources; Tectonic Plates; Globes and Geography; Satellite Imagery; Invasive Species; and Map Reading. This is a continuing effort help educate the public about the USGS relevance in natural resources, natural hazards, geospatial data, and issues that affect our quality of life. (Keith Brady, Rolla, MO 573-308-3716

The USGS was listed as a top federal contracting agency with respect to geospatial contacts as published in the Feb 13 edition of Directions Magazine.

The USGS was noted as a partner in geospatial technology for the recent Presidential Inauguration as reported in the Feb. 16 issue of the Clarion (Mississippi) Ledger.

A summary of geospatial related spending from the recently passed economic stimulus bill and the USGS was mentioned in the Feb. 17 edition of Directions Magazine.

USGS at ESRI FedUC: USGS National Geospatial Program (NGP) Director Mark DeMulder gave a presentation on the future of The National Map and updated NGP issues at the ESRI Federal Users Conference in Washington, DC, Feb 18 - 20. Also, NGP representative Jay Donnelly briefed on recent National Atlas activities and Vicki Lukas discussed the "Imagery For The Nation" initiative. The presentations were supported by a NGP exhibit. (Mark Newell, Rolla, MO 573-308-3850)

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Week ending February 13, 2009

A proposal for increased support of The National Map in relation to the current economic stimulus bill was published in the Feb 9 edition of Directions Magazine.

USGS Presents at the Mall of America: The Federal Executive Board of Minnesota sponsored the Government on Display Exposition at the Mall of America in Bloomington, MN on February 7 – 8, 2009. The USGS multidisciplinary display and exhibit involved staff from offices in Mounds View and Grand Rapids, MN and Madison, WI in addition to personnel and resources from the USGS Center for Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) in Sioux Falls, SD. The exhibit featured a variety of materials that promote USGS programs. (Ron Wencl, Mounds View, MN, 763-783-3207)

Alaska GIS Working Group: The USGS Geospatial Liaison for Alaska, Craig Seaver, participated in the Alaska Joint Interservice Regional Support Group (JIRSG), Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) Working Group, at Elmendorf Air Force Base, February 12th, to discuss and present on USGS support mechanisms relating to a 2009 133 Urban Area orthoimagery collection for Fairbanks, Alaska. This working group was responsible for the 2007-2008 Joint Base Elmendorf-Ft Richardson (JBER) aerial photography and digital orthoimagery project which included Anchorage with USGS and NGA support. The JIRSG is a collective group of several DoD branches representing defense and military interests in Alaska and the Pacific Combatant Command (PACOM). (Craig Seaver, Anchorage, AK, 907-786-7089)

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Week ending February 6, 2009

USGS Visits Representative Emerson: National Geospatial Technology Operations Center (NGTOC) Director Kari Craun and USGS Associate Director for Geography Bryant Cramer visited Representative Jo Ann Emerson (MO-8) on February 4 to discuss the status of the NGTOC re-engineering effort prior to a general roll-out of the plan to NGTOC employees. A visit to Representative Ed Perlmutter (CO-7) is also being arranged. (Alison Dishman, Reston, VA, 703-648-5086)

A collaborative service between the USGS and Airborne 1 Corporation to offer access to the world largest compilation of LiDAR data was announced in the Feb 9 edition of GIS Café magazine.

The new price structure for various USGS map products was featured in the Feb 6 issue of GIS User magazine.

The USGS, The National Map and other related projects were noted in an article summarizing geospatial proposals and the pending economic stimulus efforts in the Feb 5 edition of Directions magazine.

Ice Storm Support: An emergency response task order in support of the Kentucky ice storm (January 28) recovery was awarded under the USGS Geospatial Products and Services Contract (GPSC). FEMA is the primary partner for this project covering five cities in Kentucky: Benton, Henderson, Mayfield, Murray, and Paducah. The award amount was negotiated for slightly more than $80,000. (Bob Rinehart, Rolla Mo., 573-308-3663)

MO GIS Presentation: USGS Geospatial Liaison for Missouri, Ray Fox, will be presenting "Data Development at the State Level Plus Imagery and LiDAR" at the Missouri GIS Conference, Osage Beach, MO, Feb. 16-18, 2009. Additional USGS presentations and an exhibit will also be featured. Conference website: (Ray Fox, Rolla, MO., 573-308-3744)

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Week ending January 30, 2009

GeoNorth-II Preview: The USGS Geospatial Liaison for Alaska, Craig Seaver, recently participated in the 2009 Second International Circumpolar Conference on Geospatial Sciences and Applications (GeoNorth-II) Conference Planning Committee. GeoNorth-II will be held in Fairbanks, Alaska and hosted at the University of Alaska during the week of August 3-7, 2009. The conference will focus on geospatial applications and arctic data for scientific use and International Polar Year (IPY) projects. Draft Web site (Craig Seaver, Anchorage, AK, 907-786-7089)

Washington Flood Assistance: The USGS Geospatial Liaison for Utah, Dave Vincent, has been assigned as the Project Manager for the International Charter Space and Major Disasters in response to the recent flooding in Washington State. Imagery products from the satellite data are being provided to end users in a useful and efficient process. (Dave Vincent, Salt Lake City, UT, 801-975-3435)

Ontology Workshop: The University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS) hosted a specialist meeting on "Developing an Ontology for The National Map" on behalf of the USGS in Washington DC, Feb. 3-4, 2009. Participants included geo-ontology and semantics researchers from many member universities of UCGIS, the EPA, NASA, and the Open Source Information System. Industry participants included Oracle, BBN Technologies, Transverse Technologies, Northrup Grumman, and Franz Inc. Ontology supports many functions of The National Map, specifically user queries and data integration. (Dalia Varanka, Rolla, MO, 573-308-3897)

Oregon Geospatial Program Leaders: The USGS Geospatial Liaison for Oregon, Sheri Schneider, represented the USGS at an Oregon Geospatial Program Leaders Meeting (GPL) which is the technical advisory committee to the Oregon Geographic Information Council (OGIC). The GPL is a technical level forum for participating members to exchange ideas, share expertise and propose solutions to technical problems related to geospatial technologies. Topics included The National Map, the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI), and the use of the International Charter for the recent flooding in Washington. (Sheri Schneider, Portland, OR, 503-251-3210)

Hawaii NHD: The USGS Geospatial Liaison for Hawaii, Henry Wolter, and Hank Nelson of USGS National Geospatial Technical Operations Center (NGTOC) National NHD Hydrography Dataset (NHD) data stewardship team hosted a NHD Applications and Maintenance Workshops in Honolulu, Hawaii, January 19-21, 2009. In attendance were Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), Department of Health (DOH), Commission on Water Resource Management (CWRM), Department of Business Economic Development and Tourism, University of Hawaii Manoa, and the Department of Agriculture/Natural Resource Conservation Service (USDA/NRCS). A stewardship agreement between Hawaii and the USGS will be signed later this year establishing responsibilities to assure state-wide maintenance of the NHD. (Henry Wolter, Honolulu, HI, 808-587-2409 and Hank Nelson, Denver, CO, 303-202-4448)

Stockton GIS: The USGS Geospatial Liaison for Northern California, Carol Ostergren, met with the GIS manager and staff at the City of Stockton to discuss recent imagery acquisition, plans for an upcoming acquisition, and GIS activities in the City of Stockton. (Carol Ostergren, Sacramento, CA, 916-278-9510)

MAGIC Meeting: USGS Geospatial Liaisons Jim Langtry, Ray Fox, Ingrid Landgraf, and Bill Sneed represented the USGS at the MidAmerica GIS Consortium (MAGIC) at the College of the Ozarks in Point Lookout, Missouri recently for a strategic planning workshop. MAGIC provides a focus for facilitating communication and data sharing between GIS users across levels of government and between government, industry and academia. Topics assigned t sub-committees included clearinghouse operations; addressing/roads/streets; emergency response and management; communications; education, outreach, Grants and Scholarships. The results from the sub-committee reports will be presented at a future full Consortium meeting. (Jim Langtry, Lincoln, NE, 402-328-4128)

NHD MOU: In response to the National Geospatial Program Office (NGPO) Program objectives to establish NSDI Geospatial Theme Stewardships with the State and Local Authoritative Sources, the Colorado CRGIO signed the National Hydrography Data (NHD) MOU with the State Department of Water Resources. The MOU identifies DNR as the Authoritative source for the State NHD along with the Watershed Boundary data as well as Geographic Names responsibility for hydrologic names. The USGS is in the process of working a Grant with DNR to help with the two phase implementation needed to help build the maintenance architecture that will serve as the foundation to DNR's success. (Mark Eaton, Denver, CO, 303-202-4274)

California GIS Activities: The USGS Geospatial Liaison for northern California, Carol Ostergren, met with the Far North Regional GIS Collaborative in Redding to discuss recent CA GIS Council activities, the status of Geospatial Information Office (GIO) for the state, the upcoming 2010 National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) flights and options for added products, and local northern California geospatial activities. The rural counties (Shasta, Lassen, Tehama) and small cities of northern California are experiencing a significant drop in permitting applications for building and expansion, resulting in a reduction of GIS staff to support planning. Recent permits that have been filed are shifting toward the sighting of wind and solar farms for alternative energy development. (Carol Ostergren, Sacramento, 916-278-9510)

IMTA Planning: USGS representatives Ron Lofton and Patricia Hytes participated in the International Map Trade Association (IMTA) Americas 2009 Strategic Planning Session in Albuquerque, New Mexico, January 23-25, 2009. IMTA represents the international mapping, geospatial, and geographic information industry. Key issues included: market research, general business conditions and consumer survey analysis; educational programs focusing on key technologies and digital information, and increased interaction with like-minded associations and professional societies. Attendees representing government agencies, software distributors, printers, data providers, distributors, and retailers (Tele Atlas North America; National Geographic Maps; Rand McNally; ESRI; Avenza Systems; USDA Forest Service; Magna Carta Maps, LTD; Langenscheidt-American Map; Mapsco; Techna-Graphics; and Signature Printing) attended the planning sessions to help set the future direction of the trade association (Ron Lofton, Denver, CO 303-202-4115)

The USGS Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) and The National Map were part of an article detailing a program to preserve names of major tribal and indigenous place names featured in the January edition of Geospatial Solutions.

Week ending January 23, 2009

GeoEditTool Workshop: A three day National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) GeoEditTool Workshop was conducted Jan 20-22 at the National Geospatial Technical Operations Center by USGS scientists Elizabeth McCartney and George Heleine for Susan Phelps and Terri McLean from Watershed Concepts (AECOM Water), and John Derry from the North Carolina Center from Geographic Information and Analysis. Similar training opportunities are a major part of the NHD stewardship program that is expanding across the nation. (Carl Nelson, Rolla, Mo., 573-308-3838)

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Week ending January 16, 2009

California GIS: The USGS Geospatial Liaison for Northern California, Carol Ostergren, participated at the CA GIS Council meeting in Sacramento on January 14. The Liaison facilitated a discussion on options for the scheduled National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) 2010 imagery collection, provided an update on National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) stewardship activities around the state, and participated in discussions on future direction for the GIS Council with respect to the formation of a State Geographic Information Office (GIO). The Council is composed of 8 Federal agencies, 8 CA State agencies, and liaisons from 16 regional collaboratives (Carol Ostergren, Sacramento, CA 916-278-9510)

Oregon GNIS: The USGS Geospatial Liaison for Oregon, Sheri Schneider, coordinated a Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) working group meeting on January 8 attended by U. S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Oregon Geospatial Enterprise Office, Lane Council of Government, and members of the Oregon Geographic Names Board. Discussions focused on The National Map, the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI), and GNIS. Oregon is exploring ways to design and implement a GNIS stewardship. (Sheri Schneider, Portland, OR 503-251-3210)

International Charter and Flooding: The USGS Geospatial Liaison for Utah, Dave Vincent, is the Project Manager for the International Charter Space and Major Disasters response to the flooding in Washington State. The USGS and NOAA are participating agencies in this organization along with nine international space agencies. The organization provides requested satellite data for disasters when their Charter is activated. The Project Manager is responsible for coordinating the delivery of the satellite data to end users in the State. The Charter was enacted on January 9th because of imagery needs for the flooding. (Dave Vincent, Salt Lake City, UT 801-975-3435)

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Week ending January 9, 2009

Delaware LiDAR Fact Sheet released: The USGS has recently released a fact sheet titled: "Use of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) to obtain High-Resolution Elevation Data for Sussex County, Delaware". The fact sheet describes the basic processes of producing LiDAR data. Land elevation in County is a key factor in determining areas that are appropriate for development, flood evacuation routes, and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) studies. The fact sheet is available only on-line at (Roger Barlow, Reston, VA 703-648-5189)

Idaho and Washington NAIP: Scott Van Hoff, Geospatial Liaison for Idaho, recently attended meetings of Imagery Technical Working Groups for Idaho and Washington that are coordinating the States' participation in the 2009 Idaho National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) and 2009 Washington NAIP projects. The meetings were status updates on the fund raising effort to meet the State match requirement to fund projects. There was additional discussion of specifications and upgrades wanted by the committee members from each of the states. (Scott Van Hoff, Boise, ID 208-387-1351)

USGS/Forest Service Coordination: Dave Vincent, Geospatial Liaison for Utah and the Forest Service, facilitated the monthly joint agency USGS and Forest Service Management Oversight Group conference call on Jan 7. The primary purpose of this meeting was to finalize the functions, actions, and membership for four recently formed working groups between the two agencies. These working groups will be working on programmatic, standards, technical, and printing & distribution topics for the Joint Agency Graphics Program. (Dave Vincent, Salt Lake City, UT 801-975-3435)

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Week ending December 26, 2008

The launch of the revised USGS The National Map web site was discussed in the Dec 23 Podcast sponsored by Directions Magazine and also appeared in the Dec 17 edition of GeoPlace Magazine.

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Week ending December 19, 2008

NGTOC Director Elected to Geospatial Post: Kari Craun, Director of the National Geospatial Technical Operations Center, was elected Vice President of the Cartography and Geographic Information Society (CAGIS). The mission of CAGIS, one of four member organizations of the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping (ACSM) is, " support research, education, and practice to improve the understanding, creation, analysis, and use of maps and geographic information to support effective decision-making and improve the quality of life. The society serves as a forum for the exchange of original concepts, techniques, approaches, and experiences by those who design, implement, and use cartography, geographical information systems, and related geospatial technologies." (Kari Craun, Rolla, MO 573-308-3802)

The National Map Customer Survey Results: The National Map Strategic Advisor, Larry Sugarbaker, presented at the 2008 Montana Government Information Technology Conference held in Helena, MT on December 10-12, 2008. The presentation focused on a history of The National Map, customer requirements and survey results and the current strategic direction of the USGS National Map. The presentation was well received with over 200 state and local IT and GIS professionals in attendance. (Lance Clampitt, Bozeman, MT 406-994-6919)

Articles about the new The National Map web site were published in the Dec 17 editions of Directions Magazine and GIS User.

An editorial discussing the selection of the new Interior Secretary and its impact on the USGS, especially in area of geospatial technology, was published in the Dec 18 edition of Directions Magazine.

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Week ending December 12, 2008

The National Map Web Site: In a determined effort to renovate and enhance the usability of The National Map, the USGS National Geospatial Program (NGP) has recently released a new version of The National Map web site. This latest version is the first phase of a multi-phase deliberate plan to augment the USGS geospatial web presence. The site can be found at . Comments to improve the site are strongly encouraged at (Mark Newell, Rolla, MO 573-308-3850)

NGAC Briefing: Leaders of the USGS National Geospatial Program Office (NGP) had the opportunity to brief a select subcommittee of the National Geospatial Advisory Committee (NGAC) in Reston on Dec 11, 2008. As a result of the briefings and discussions, the subcommittee has reiterated its support of the USGS The National Map program and has called for an increased national investment in the program. The NGAC was formed a year ago to review and comment upon geospatial policy and management issues and provide a forum to convey views representative of stakeholders in the geospatial community. NGAC information: (Mark Newell, Rolla, MO 573-308-3850)

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Week ending December 5, 2008

Arkansas NHD MOU signed: The USGS and the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) recently signed an agreement making ADEQ responsible for standardizing and maintaining water quality data collected in Arkansas and stored in an electronic database which is part of a national network of water quality data. The ADEQ, along with the Arkansas Geographic Information Office (AGIO) and Arkansas State Land Information Board (ASLIB) in partnership with the USGS is coordinating the Arkansas National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Stewardship Program for the maintenance and stewardship of the high resolution NHD in Arkansas. (Bill Sneed, Little Rock, AR 501-228-3665)

Middle School Students Challenged on Geography Knowledge: The Rolla Science Information & Library Services (SILS), working in partnership with the USGS National Geospatial Technical Operations Center (NGTOC), provided two hour of sessions of "Geopardy" to students at the Rolla Middle School on December 2. The students formed teams to challenge each other on their geography knowledge, with the winners determined by who could be the quickest in providing accurate answers to geography and map related questions. This effort supports the outreach component of the USGS in its goal of initiation, coordination, and participation in scientific and educational programs, events, and activities that promote the products and services of the USGS. (Mary Fone, Rolla, MO 573-308-3609)

Ocean and Coastal Mapping Inventory: The USGS Geospatial One-Stop (GOS) project management team met with the Interagency Working Group for Ocean and Coastal Mapping (IWG-OCM) to review the first year's progress of the Ocean and Coastal Mapping Inventory project, and to define objectives for the coming year. The OCM Inventory project began around September 2007 and is being implemented using GOS. During its first year, over 25,000 records were added to GOS directly as a result of the OCM Inventory effort. The OCM Inventory effort has also contributed to GOS through a very active Oceans and Coasts community, and by participation in the design of continuing enhancements to the GOS system that benefit the OCM Inventory and GOS as a whole. (Rob Dollison, Reston, VA 703-648-5724)

USGS Tribal Geospatial Outreach: USGS Geospatial Liaison for New York, Frank Kenney, attended the joint EPA-Indian Nation Tribal Leaders/Native American Fish and Wildlife Society Conference in Syracuse, NY, Dec 1-2, 2008. One major goal was to establish relationships and create opportunities for outreach with New York tribes. Some of the tribes have geospatial and GIS programs, which could benefit from USGS collaboration. (Frank Kenney, Troy, NY, 518-285-5619)

Caribbean GIS Conference: USGS Geospatial Liaison for Florida, U.S. Virgin Islands (US-VI), and Puerto Rico, Lou Driber, presented at the "Fourth Annual Caribbean Regional GIS Conference" sponsored by the US-VI Office of the Lieutenant Governor and the Virgin Islands Geospatial Information Council (VIGIC), November 19-21, 2008. Presentations included "The National Map Data Products and Services" which featured USGS efforts to complete Orthoimage Map production over the Caribbean Territories in support of Federal and regional emergency response operations. Additionally, USGS-NGTOC National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) regional representative George Heleine provided a presentation on the NHD stewardship program. (Lou Driber, Tallahassee, FL, 850-942-9500)

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Week ending November 21, 2008

USGS-USFS meeting: Alan Mikuni, Chief of the Western Region NSDI Partnership Office, and David Vincent, USGS Geospatial Liaison to the Forest Service, attended the USGS-USFS Management Oversight meeting on November 13th. The Management Oversight group is an interagency team composed of senior managers in each agency that meet biannually to cooperate on GIS and geospatial activities between the two agencies. This meeting discussed a digital and topographic mapping partnership between the two agencies for approximately 20% of the Nation's land. (David Vincent, Salt Lake City, UT 801-975-3435)

Volcanic Ash meeting: USGS Geospatial Liaison for Alaska, Craig Seaver, attended the "Interagency Operating Plan for Volcanic Ash Episodes Meeting" on November 12, 2008 with Alaska state partners to discuss the need for updated elevation models and imagery for the Alaska Statewide Data Mapping Initiative. The agencies involved in this operating plan are: the Federal Aviation Administration; the Alaska Volcano Observatory, Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys, the University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute; the National Weather Service; the Department of Defense, the State Division of Homeland Security; and the US Coast Guard. (Craig Seaver, Anchorage, AK 907-786-7089)

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Week ending November 14, 2008

International Charter presentation: Shelley Silch, USGS Geospatial Liaison for Illinois, gave a presentation titled, "GIS Emergency Response in Illinois: 2008 Midwest Disaster" at the Illinois GIS Conference in Chicago on November 6. The presentation focused on the International Charter, which is a mechanism by which commercial satellite date can be obtained in support of emergency response. The USGS also staffed an exhibit during the two-day event. (Shelley Silch, Urbana, IL, 217-344-9732)

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Week ending October 31, 2008

NHD Training: USGS National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) steward representatives Carl Nelson and Elizabeth McCartney conducted training for updating, maintaining, and using the NHD for MARIS (Mississippi Automated Resource Information System, on October 14-16, 2008 in Jackson, MS. Training focused on the NHDGeoEditTool, Flowcheck, QA/QC tools, and flow analysis. The group from MARIS is responsible for updating and maintaining High Resolution NHD for the State of Mississippi. The stewardship agreement between the USGS and MARIS was signed in May 2008. (Carl Nelson, Rolla, MO 573-308-3838)

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Week ending October 24, 2008

Joint USGS, USFS and BLM Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management Meeting: The USGS, U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and Bureau of Land Management will conduct a joint agency Management Oversight Group meeting Nov. 13-14 at the USFS Geospatial Service & Technology Center (GSTC) in Salt Lake City, Utah. (Tracy Fuller, Denver, CO 303-202-4172)

The National Map Presentation at the Eastern Great Lakes Meeting: Steve Aichele, USGS Geospatial Liaison for Michigan, presented at the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) - Eastern Great Lakes region meeting on The National Map, the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI), various partnership programs available through the USGS National Geospatial Program (NGP) and the Geospatial Products and Services Contract (GPSC) administered through the USGS National Geospatial Technical Operations Center (NGTOC). Participants included representatives from academia, local, county, and state government, and aerial photography firms. (Steve Aichele, Lansing, MI 517-887-8918)

Recent and possible changes within the USGS National Geospatial Programs Office was discussed in the Oct 22 editions of Directions Magazine.

A GPS (Global Positioning System) class offered by the Rolla Science Information & Library Services (SILS) was featured in the October 23 issue of The Rolla Daily News.

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Week Ending October 17, 2008

College Support: The Rolla Science Information & Library Services (SILS), working in coordination with the USGS National Geospatial Technical Operations Center, the USGS Mid-Continent Geographic Science Center, and the USGS Missouri Water Science Center, conducted tours and organized workshops for two colleges groups on October 16th. The classes represented the Department of Geography, Geology, and Planning from Missouri State University and the Construction and Civil Technology Class from Linn State Technical College, Linn, MO. Students were shown the process of topographic mapping over the years at the USGS, including present-day geospatial data and graphics activities. Sessions were also conducted emphasizing geography research activities, water science research activities, and the use of GPS. (Keith Brady, Rolla, MO 573-308-3716)

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Week Ending October 10, 2008

USGS Rolla Science Information & Library Services representative Keith Brady was featured in an article about the Rolla Center offering GPS classes to the public in the Oct 9 edition of the Rolla Daily News.

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Week Ending September 26, 2008

Emergency-Response Image Maps: The NGTOC has finished 3,250 orthoimage maps along the Gulf and southern Atlantic coasts. Coverage is from Brownsville, Texas to the northern boundary of the state of Delaware, two counties deep from the coast. The entire area of the State of Florida was covered (over 1140 quadrangles) due to its susceptibility to tropical storms.

These quadrangle maps are provisional products; work on a product standard, and systems to create products compliant with that standard, is ongoing. Because they are provisional and experimental, the products vary, but most have these characteristics:

  • PDF format, most with GeoPDF and layered GeoPDF extensions.
  • Standard 7.5-minute cell coverage, with traditional layout and map collar
  • Orthoimage background, most with road and geographic names added to enhance the image
  • Full 1,000-meter UTM grid conforming to the U.S. National Grid standard
  • File sizes are typically 20-30 Mb per quadrangle

In July the NGTOC set up an emergency-response FTP site to give State and local agencies access to the data. The site currently hosts all completed maps, grouped by State, along with quad listings and location diagrams.

In advance of Hurricane Gustav, both NGTOC offices assembled and shipped over two hundred orthoimage quadrangles to the Louisiana state liaison on DVD. To finish coverage of the expected landfall area, the graphics team generated 120 quadrangles over a period of only four days, working extended work days and Saturday. By the following Tuesday, these data were staged on the emergency response FTP site. USGS State liaisons in Louisiana and other Gulf States distributed copies to State emergency operations coordinators and first response organizations.

In the wake of Hurricane Ike, 24 additional quadrangles in Texas were created at the request of local authorities.

The map download site is linked from the EROS Emergency Operations page at, under "Provisional Digital Orthoimage Maps for Emergency Use." Contact Jerry Wagner or Chuck Matthys for access information. (Jerry Wagner, Rolla, MO 573-308-3764, Chuck Matthys, Denver, CO 303-202-4447)

Ohio Hydrography Conference: USGS National Geospatial Technical Operations Center representative Hank Nelson provided a presentation on the National Map Hydrography, National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) and the stewardship program for NHD. Now that high-resolution NHD is complete for Ohio (and the Nation), enhancement, maintenance, and expanded use of Ohio NHD is a major goal for the Ohio Hydrography Framework Task Force as part of the NSDI and the Ohio Geographically Referenced Information Program (OGRIP). (Hank Nelson, Denver, CO 303-202-4448)

The implementation of the US National Grid (USNG) by the USGS The National Map was referenced in a September 26 article published in Geospatial Solutions magazine.

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