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The Rings Node currently maintains and archives three collections of data obtained by the HST. These are Small Satellite Astrometry data, Saturn 1995 Ring Plane Crossing data, and PDS compliant volumes of all HST observations since the initial Hubble repair mission of the Outer Planets made using ACS, NICMOS, STIS, or WFPC2. We intend to add a collection of data obtained during the 2007/2008 Uranian Ring Plane Crossing season as that data becomes available.


Small Satellite Astrometry

    The Rings Node currently has two volumes of astrometric HST data for the small satellites of Saturn. For more information about and links to the data, see Satellite Astrometry.


Saturn Ring Plane Crossing (SRPX)

    The Rings Node currently has nine volumes of SRPX data of which the first five volumes were obtained by the HST. For more information on the SRPX seasons, the information about and links to the associated data and links to relevant web sites, see Saturn RPX.


Uranus Ring Plane Crossing (URPX)

    The Rings Node currently has no data from the URPX observing campaign. We do anticipate receiving and archiving such data beginning in calendar year 2009. For more information on the URPX seasons and links to relevant web sites, see Uranian RPX.


Observations of the Outer Planets

    The Rings Node is developing a series of PDS compliant data sets of all HST observations made since the initial Hubble repair mission of the Outer Planets obtained using ACS, NICMOS, STIS, or WFPC2. The initial collection encompasses all such observations through mid-2007 and consists of approximately 150 separate data sets. Each data set corresponds to a single HST proposal.

    Users may browse the directory tree of preliminary volumes. The documentation of these volumes is incomplete. They will be replaced before the end of 2008 with reorganized and fully documented, pre-peer review versions. Once those volumes are available, we will place on line .tar.gz bundles of each data set for downloading.

    We plan to incorporate these volumes into the catalog database for our multimission search engine during FY 09. At that time, users will be able to tailor a search of all of our HST data by target and instrument, and will be able to employ a wide variety of observational and geometric constraints to the search.

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Keywords for Rings Node internal indexing: hubble space telescope hst ring data instruments acs nicmos stis wfpc2