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Reference Data Links

Neutron scattering lengths and cross sections (NIST)

Neutron Data Booklet (Instiut Laue-Langevin) - (PDF 10.77 Mb)

Coherent neutron scattering lengths

Neutron scattering conversion factors

Fundamental physical constants (NIST)

Activation table of the elements (Instiut Laue-Langevin) - (PDF 135 Kb)

Periodic table

Interactive chart of the nuclides (Brookhaven)

X-ray properties of the elements (Illinois Inst. of Tech.)

Bilbao Crystallographic Server

Inorganic Crystal Structure Database

International Tables of Crystallography - (available for ORNL IP addresses only)


  Information Contact : neutronscience@ornl.gov  

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Office of Science