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Who is Eligible
Translations are provided for all NIH staff holding a current NIH ID with Library privileges.

Services Provided
The Translation Unit provides oral and written translations of materials required to carry out NIH programs. These materials range from research publications to letters and diplomas. Translations can be either all or part of a document. Oral translations can be conducted in-person or dictated to a cassette tape.

Examples of other language services include assistance with overseas telephone calls, translations of bibliographic citations, and the location of existing translations.

How to Request a Translation
For each item to be translated, complete form NIH-75, Request for Translation Service:
[PDF 32KB]  [HTML]  [Word 49KB]
The completed form with the document to be translated is submitted to the Translation Office, Building 10, Room 1L21.

NIH Staff may request one in-house written translation at a time; upon completion of the first translation, another request may be submitted. More than one outside translation can be processed simultaneously. Determination of the timing and quantity of in-house oral translations is made on a case by case basis. Appointments for oral translations can be made by calling 301-496-2257.

Service Charges
Translations accomplished in-house are free.  These translations are from Russian, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Latin,  and Portuguese into English and short documents from English to Russian. In other language pairs, or when a requestor elects outside translation, the cost is billed back to the requestor's Institute/Center/ Division. Translations from English into a foreign language are also available at a cost.

For more information, call 301-496-2257.

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Scopus: Identifying Who's Citing Whom   
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PubMed: Understanding the Basics   
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