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Weekly NIH Library Orientation Tours to Run June 4 - July 9

Every Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. from June 4 through July 9
Meet in the NIH Library, near the South Entrance of Building 10
Tours begin at the NIH Library Information Desk
No registration is required

Plan to attend an orientation tour sponsored by the NIH Library and learn about resources that will save you time and enhance your work experience at NIH. The NIH Library provides access to:

  • More than 8,400 full-text online journals, 1,900 online books, 50 databases, 691 Internet resources, and 62,000 print books available for browsing in open stacks
  • Document delivery (books delivered to your office; book chapters and journal articles scanned and delivered electronically)
  • Reference assistance
  • Expert literature searches
  • Translation services
  • Resource and database training (group, individual, and online)
  • Research alert services
  • A redesigned reading room with computer and wireless access, comfortable seating, and quiet study space.

If you are unable to attend a Wednesday orientation or would like to arrange a library tour for a large group, email or call Reference & Information Services at 301-496-1080.


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   View All Announcements
Web Search: Thinking Beyond Google   
Aug 18  
Scopus: Identifying Who's Citing Whom   
Aug 18  
PubMed: Understanding the Basics   
Sep 10  
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