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The following represents the content we have available in this category:
External linkpdf file Bilingual Brochure Tackles Colorectal Cancer [PDF | 1MB] Exit Disclaimer
This bilingual brochure in English and Ilocano reviews the basics of colorectal cancer, including symptoms and screenings.
External linkpdf file Effects of Vitamin D and Calcium on Health [PDF | 6MB]
This 408-page report released by the federal Agency for Health Research Quality looks at the impact of Vitamin D and calcium on several factors, such as a person’s growth and various types of disease and chronic health conditions.
External link Using Baking Soda to Improve Health Exit Disclaimer
A study of 134 patients found that a small dose of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) helped slow down the decline of kidney function in patients who also underwent regular treatment for kidney failure.
External link Study looks at Double-Dose Cancer Drug Exit Disclaimer
A two-dose approach may allow doctors to combat cancer cells while using a second drug to protect healthy cells during treatment.
External link New Staging System Released Exit Disclaimer
The staging systems for lung cancer has been revised and re-released, altering the grouping of patients based on prognosis
External link Researchers look to Maintain Fertility
An NIH grant is funding research to find a way to mature and prolong the life span of human eggs outside of the body. The goal is to preserve eggs for the freezing and thawing process utilized by former cancer patients who still want the option of having children.
External link 3-D Technology Aids Tumor Removal Exit Disclaimer
Surgeons at the University of Cincinnati have used several images from brain scans to create a 3-D image of the fist-sized tumor needing removal.
External link Pinpointed Radiation Proves Effective Exit Disclaimer
Specialists at the University of Cincinnati have found that the depositing of titanium-filled capsules of radiation effectively treated patients who had tumors removed from their brains.
External link Cutting Carbs May Stunt Tumors Exit Disclaimer
At the Duke Prostate Center, urologists are looking at the relationship between a decrease in carbohydrate consumption and a decrease in the growth of prostate tumors.
External link Stem Cells in Lungs May Lead to Cancer Exit Disclaimer
Scientists at Duke University Medical Center find that it may be the activated stem cells in severely damaged lungs that are the first steps to developing cancerous cells in the lungs.
External link Factors Influencing Prostate Cancer Exit Disclaimer
A study from the Josephine Ford Cancer Center found that prostate cancer seemed more likely to return for patients who had a low oxygen supply around the tumor.
External link Veterans’ Risk of Prostate Cancer Exit Disclaimer
A study out of the Medical College of Georgia found that males exposed to Agent Orange during the Vietnam War were more likely to have a higher risk of prostate cancer aggressively returning.
External link Researchers Pinpoint Likely Cancer Gene Exit Disclaimer
Cell biologists from the University of Cincinnati believe they may have identified a gene that causes increased susceptibility for developing lung cancer.
External link Discovering how Fiber fights Cancer Exit Disclaimer
Researchers at the Medical College of Georgia have found out how a diet high in fiber counteracts the growth of cancer cells in the colon.
Compound Can Distinguish Between Benign Tissue and Localized and Metastatic Prostate Cancer
Some Michigan researchers have found that a molecule produced by the metabolism has the ability to tell the difference between benign and metastasized tissue.
Researchers Find Abnormal Cells in the Blood Years before Leukemia is Diagnosed
Researchers from the National Cancer Institute have found that indicators for leukemia are present in the bloodstream up to six years prior to diagnosis.
External link New Laser Expected to Improve Surgery Exit Disclaimer
The removal of brain and spinal tumors is expected to get just a little easier with the advent of a new laser scalpel that allows doctors to bend the beam to reach delicate areas.
External link Smokers’ Immune System May Turn on Them Exit Disclaimer
Research out of the University of Cincinnati has revealed what may be indicators that the body’s immune system worsens the conditions of chronic lung disease in smokers.
External link Researchers Successfully Shrink Cancer
NIH researchers have found a way to alter immune cells so they attack and shrink cells in the body, which has been an obstacle because cancer cells are mutations of a person’s regular DNA making it difficult for the body to turn on tumors.
External link Inherited Factors Influence Cancer Progression
In the January 1 issue of Cancer Research, scientists used mice and samples of human tumors to see if factors that contribute to susceptibility are genetically inherited.
External link Leukemia Relapse Indicator Identified
Scientists have identified the gene mutations that indicate the likelihood of leukemia relapse in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, according to an article in the Jan. 29 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.
External link Significant Others impact Prostate Cancer Screenings Exit Disclaimer
A study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, found that men who lived with a significant other were more likely to be screened for prostate cancer than men living alone, even if the single men had a higher risk of developing the disease.
External link Black Raspberries Help Fight Cancer Exit Disclaimer
Researchers from Ohio State University have pinpointed the component in raspberries that inhibited the growth of cancer cells in rats with esophageal cancer. The article appears in the journal of Cancer Prevention Research.
External link Combating Third-hand Smoke Exit Disclaimer
According to a journal article in the January issue of Pediatrics, parents who smoke outside of the house or while their children aren’t around, may still be exposing their offspring to harmful toxins. “Toxic particulate” matter is released from cigarette smoke and can rest in hair and clothing, which is referred to as third-hand smoke.
External link Predicting Colorectal Cancer
An online tool launched by the National Cancer Institute can be used to determine the risk of colorectal cancer for individuals older than 50.
External link New Blood Fights off Cancer Exit Disclaimer
Researchers from Tel Aviv University have found that new blood from transfusions have increased the chances of survival against cancer.
External link Messages lead to Unwanted Results Exit Disclaimer
Ads meant to increase the number of minorities seeking cancer screening have backfired due to negative messages, according to research published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.
External link Migraines associated with Decreased Risk of Breast Cancer Exit Disclaimer
A study out of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center suggests that a history of migraines has been linked to a 30 percent decrease in the likelihood of that woman to develop breast cancer.
External link Study Reveals Increases in Cancer Disparities Exit Disclaimer
A study from the American Cancer Society finds that a decrease in cancer disparities is due to progress in cancers related to smoking. However, disparity rates related to screening and treatment may be on the rise.
External link Age is not a key factor in cancer survival, but clinical trials exclude older patients Exit Disclaimer
In the November Independent Journal of Clinical Practice one article notes that 60 percent of people battling cancer are older than 60, however this group is not reflected in clinical trials.
External link Stem Cells Hibernate until Needed Exit Disclaimer
Swiss scientists have found that tissue or adult stems cells remain dormant deep in bone marrow until they are called upon to quickly divide to repair bone marrow. These stem cells divide daily and can be called upon several times for repairs.
External link Blood Scanner Detects Faint Indicators of Cancer Exit Disclaimer
Researchers at Stanford University have created the prototype of a handheld device that can detect cancer markers in a person’s bloodstream during the early stages of cancer from a blood sample, according to an article in the online edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
External link One Virtual Colonoscopy offers Two Benefits Exit Disclaimer
Scientists who use computer-generated images taken from a CT colonography are noting the ability to simultaneously determine whether or not individuals who are being screened for cancer also have osteoporosis, according to data presented at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America in December.
External link Technology offers Hope in Detecting Breast Cancer Exit Disclaimer
Study results have shown that positive emission mammography is more effective than an MRI or standard mammogram for detecting breast cancer because imaging is not affected by hormones, breast density or cellulite. The results were presented at the December meeting of the Radiological Society of North America.
External link Study Suggest Pre-surgery Dose of Radiation Exit Disclaimer
A study out of the Geisinger Health System’s Cancer Institute revealed that patients in the advance stages of rectal cancer benefit from radiation treatments before surgery were less likely to experience a recurrence.
External link Protective Gene Identified Exit Disclaimer
Researchers from the University of Nottingham have pinpointed the gene that protects people from developing lung cancer, according to the study published in the journal of Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.
External link Annual Report shows Decrease in Rates
An annual report released by NIH revealed that the rates of cancers, overall, have decreased for the first time. The death rate, due to cancer, has continued to decline annually, but this is the first time the study has recorded a decrease in incidence rates.
External link Broccoli May Save Smokers’ Lungs Exit Disclaimer
Information presented at this year’s Seventh Annual International Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research, showed the benefits of broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables for smokers and people who have quit smoking. The vegetable contains cancer-prevention properties that are particularly helpful in former smokers, according to a study from lead author Li Tang, Ph.D., a post-doctoral fellow at Roswell Park Cancer Institute.
External link New Phosphates Show Cancer-Killing Power Exit Disclaimer
Ohio University researchers have found that a type of phosphate has shown potential in killing a variety of cancer cells.
External link Culprits of Bone Loss Identified Exit Disclaimer
Loyola University Researchers have found that bone loss in breast cancer survivors can be attributed to more than drug treatments, but also a Vitamin D deficiency, an overactive gland and the body’s dumping of calcium. Their study appears in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
External link Hepatitis Drug Shows Possibilities
A new Hepatitis C drug has shown double the success rate in patients who have never received treatment.
External link Negative Messages Backfire
A study finds that negative messages were discouraging some minority patients from receiving cancer screenings.
External link Deterrents May Fuel Disparities Exit Disclaimer
A study published in the Journal of Internal Medicine finds that black women from lower economic backgrounds were deterred from getting their mammograms because of fears, misconceptions and past experiences.
External link Gender plays a Role Exit Disclaimer
A study presented at the 2008 Chicago Multidisciplinary Symposium in Thoracic Oncology suggests that a persons’ gender helps determine the likelihood of survival for patients with lung cancer.
External link Treatment based on Patients with Lung Cancer Exit Disclaimer
Findings presented at the 2008 Chicago Multidisciplinary Symposium in Thoracic Oncology suggest using tissue samples from patients to tailor chemotherapy treatments.
External link The Asian American Network for Cancer Awareness, Research and Training (AANCART) Exit Disclaimer
The American Cancer Society launched this searchable online database of Asian language cancer materials in March 2006. This effort is supported by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the National Institutes of Health. The Asian and Pacific Islander Cancer Education Materials Web tool (APICEM) is designed to help Asians and Pacific Islanders with limited English-speaking abilities gain access to information on how to reduce their risks of preventable malignancies, including cancers of the breast, cervix, colon, liver, lung and stomach.
External link Oral Rinse to Detect Cancer Exit Disclaimer
Researchers at John Hopkins University have used an oral rinse to detect HPV infections in patients with neck and head cancers.
External link Hypertension may Protect against Cancer Exit Disclaimer
A paper published in the Nov. 1 issue of Cancer Research reveals that males who were less likely to develop testicular cancer were born to mothers who experienced sever gestational hypertension.
External link Cancer Cells show Resistance to Drug Exit Disclaimer
In the Nov. 1 issue of Cancer Research, scientists at Georgetown University Medical Center have identified breast cancer cells that are resistant to the world’s largest-selling drug tamoxifen.
External link New Attacks on Leukemia Exit Disclaimer
Scientists at Syracuse University are looking at ways to reprogram cancer cells and turn them back into normal cells by manipulating proteins, according to an article in the Journal of Biological Chemistry.
External link The Benefits of Allergies Exit Disclaimer
In an article in The Quarterly Review of Biology, researchers believe allergies may protect the body from certain types of cancers.
External link NIH Adds Info to Senior Site
NIH has added leukemia information to their Senior Health site to educated older people about a disease that is 10 times more prevalent in adults than children.
External link Birth Control as a Deterrent Exit Disclaimer
Use of oral contraceptives seems to lower women’s risk of developing uterine and ovarian cancers later in life, but researchers from Wake Forest University’s School of Medicine have found that contraceptives could be affecting the way the body processes estrogen.
External link 3-D Doppler may detect breast cancer Exit Disclaimer
In the November issue of Radiology, researchers found that using a three-dimensional power Doppler scan of the breast tissue is more accurate in identifying malignant breast tumors.
External link MRI Technique may spot cervical cancer Exit Disclaimer
According to a study published in the November issue of Radiology, researchers have shown that by using a high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging with a special vaginal coil, the MRI may be able to pick up even the smaller tumors.
External link Chronic Inflammation Helps Tumors Exit Disclaimer
Researchers at the Medical College of Georgia have found that chronic inflammation of the skin produces a protective effect for the development of tumors, although inflammation usually helps the body fight off disease and infection.
External link Cancer-Fighting Beer Exit Disclaimer
Students at Rice University are brewing their own beer, in the hopes of placing in this year’s International Genetically Engineered Machine competition Nov. 8-9 in Cambridge, Mass. The iGEM competition is the world’s largest conference dedicated to synthetic biology. This year, the Rice team is looking to genetically alter yeast to ferment beer and excrete a chemical that will turn into resveratrol, the compound found to have anticancer and cardiovascular benefits in mice.
External link Nicotine linked to Breast Cancer Exit Disclaimer
An article in Cancer Research features study results showing a link between nicotine and growth and spreading of tumors in women’s breasts.
External link The Link between Cancer and Caffeine Exit Disclaimer
After studying more than 38,000 women over the age of 45, researchers found that the rate of developing invasive breast cancer was not statistically significant to link caffeine consumption to breast cancer, according to an article in the Oct. 13 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine.
External link Nonsmoking males live longer Exit Disclaimer
Men who have never smoked still live longer, healthier lives than men who have quit smoking, according to an article in the Oct. 13 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine.
External link Cancer Screenings Low in Medicaid Recipients Exit Disclaimer
In the Oct. 13 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, researchers found that approximately half of Medicaid recipients over the age of 50 receive recommended screenings for breast, cervical and colorectal cancer.
External link Potential Cancer Killer Derived from Plant Exit Disclaimer
In the Oct. 5 issue of Cancer Letters, University of Washington scientists have published their findings about the sweet wormwood plant. Often eaten in salads in Asian countries and used in medicines by the Chinese, the plant has been used to treat malaria. They found that using compounds from the sweet wormwood and attached a chemical homing device so the drug can target and attack cancer cells instead of healthy cells.
External link Nicotine Addiction May be Dictated by Genes Exit Disclaimer
Researchers at the University of Virginia have found that people who are genetically sensitive to bitter tastes, are less likely to develop an addition to nicotine, according to an article in Oct. 10 issue of American Journal of Human Genetics.
External link Plastics May Protect Cancer Cell Exit Disclaimer
In a study published in the Oct. 8 issue of <Environmental Health Perspectives, Exit Disclaimer University of Cincinnati researcher finds that exposure to BPA, a chemical found in plastics, may protect cancer cells from chemotherapy.
External link Male Smokers May Find Benefits in Red Wine Exit Disclaimer
A report published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention’s October issue found that male smokers who drank a glass of red wine had a decreased risk of developing lung cancer with each glass.
External link High-Risk Habits Linked to Lack of Awareness [PDF, 17KB] Exit Disclaimer
In a study published in the August 2008 issue of The Journal of Urology, researchers at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health found that the more men participated in unhealthy habits like smoking, the less they were aware of the Prostate Specific Antigen or the importance of having a PSA test.
External link Detecting Cancer Early Exit Disclaimer
Scientists at the University of Oklahoma are working to develop a mid-infrared laser that would detect cancer based on breath samples. It has been shown that cancer emits biomarker gases that are present during exhalations.
External link Researchers look to nature for Cancer cure Exit Disclaimer
Scientists from Tel Aviv University have tested the use of a synthetic compound derived from the Jasmine flower to treat cancer. After 10 years of research, Prof. Eliezer Flescher of The Sackler Faculty of Medicine, said both blood cancers and tumors have responded to the compound.

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