CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  NIDDK - National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

NDEP is a partnership of the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and more than 200 public and private organizations.

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NDEP NEWS & NOTES current issue coverNDEP’s monthly e-newsletter, is designed to keep you informed about our activities and help you identify opportunities to incorporate our messages, products, and activities into your programs.

Latest Issue: August 2009


NDEP News & Notes, NDEP's monthly e-newsletter, is designed to keep you informed about our activities and help you identify opportunities to incorporate our messages, products, and activities into your programs.

If you have any questions or comments or would like to receive News & Notes every month, please contact us and ask to be added to our subscriber list.

Please keep your members and partners updated by forwarding this e-newsletter to them as well. Your help continues to be an invaluable part of our success!


August (Volume 5, No. 8)

July (Volume 5, No. 7)

June (Volume 5, No. 6)

May (Volume 5, No. 5)

April (Volume 5, No. 4)

March (Volume 5, No. 3)

February (Volume 5, No. 2)

January (Volume 5, No. 1)


November (Volume 4, No. 11)

October (Volume 4, No. 10)

September (Volume 4, No. 9)

August (Volume 4, No. 8)

July (Volume 4, No. 7)

June (Volume 4, No. 6)

May (Volume 4, No. 5)

April (Volume 4, No. 4)

March (Volume 4, No. 3)

February (Volume 4, No. 2)

January (Volume 4, No. 1)


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Control Your Diabetes. For Life. Campaign Guide for Partners

Control Your Diabetes. For Life. Campaign Guide for Partners

This 58-page how-to guide is designed to help partner organizations disseminate the Control Your Diabetes. For Life. campaign messages.

Diabetes Community Partnership Guide

Diabetes Community Partnership Guide

This how-to kit contains ideas, tools, and guidelines to develop community partnerships to promote diabetes activities.

The Power To Control Diabetes Is in Your Hands

The Power To Control Diabetes Is in Your Hands

This brochure for older adults helps them manage their diabetes, understand how to check blood glucose levels, manage the ABCs of diabetes, and access Medicare benefits.

Power to Prevent: A Family Lifestyle Approach to Diabetes Prevention

Power to Prevent: A Family Lifestyle Approach to Diabetes Prevention

This modular curriculum can be used by small groups to learn how to make healthy lifestyle changes around food and physical activity to prevent and manage diabetes. Accompanying CD-ROM has files for NDEP materials used in conjunction with the curriculum.

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