Families USA: The Voice for Health Care Consumers



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Welcome to Families USA!

Since 1982, Families USA has worked to promote high-quality,
affordable health care for all Americans.

Health Care Reform in 2009

Roll up your sleeves! August is a pivotal month for health reform.

Use our August Recess Tool Kit to keep up the beat for health reform.

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New Resources from Families USA

What does health insurance reform mean for you? This new ad answers the questions that many consumers have about how health reform will affect them.

Click here to watch.

Costly Coverage: Premiums Outpace Paychecks examines how the combination of stagnant wages and skyrocketing health insurance costs is placing a growing strain on family budgets. These state-specific reports show how health insurance premiums for families and individuals have risen over the last decade compared to earnings. (August 2009)

Talking about Health Care Reform: Want the facts? Looking to respond to myths and misinformation? Take a look at our series of talking points, or see our most recent talking points below:

What's Next for CHIP-Funded Adult Coverage? examines how the Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (CHIPRA) changes coverage for parents and for adults without dependent children. (August 2009)

The Clock Is Ticking: More Americans Losing Health Coverage provides the first ever state-by-state data on the number of people who may lose health coverage between the beginning of 2008 and the end of 2010. Numbers are broken down per week, per month, and per year. | Blog Post (July 2009)

Hidden Health Tax: Americans Pay a Premium discusses how private health insurance premiums are higher, in part, because the costs of uncompensated care for the uninsured are shifted to those who have insurance, a "hidden health tax." The report quantifies this "tax" for family and individual coverage. | Press Release | Blog Post (May 2009)

More Resources

Harry and Louise are back.
The iconic couple from the 1990s health care debate is now helping to communicate the importance of fixing our broken health care system. And fixing it now. Click to see the ad and to find out what you can do.

Healing the Economy: Health Provisions in the Stimulus Package: The stimulus bill—with its significant health care provisions—is an exciting first step, but we lost some ground along the way. Click here for details and to see what's good and not-so-good about the new law. Read Ron Pollack's blog post on why the stimulus provisions are so important.

Conference Call Series for State Advocates: Listen to the calls from the 2009 series.

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