Climate Response Network

The Long-Term Groundwater Data Network is now available. See details at:
Oregon Climate Response Network

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OREGON 1.               Site: 420825123040401 - 39S/03W-33BBA1
Period of Record: 1987-06-27 - 2009-06-30
               Aquifer: APPLEGATE GROUP
                 Depth: 260.00 2.               Site: 430029121552101 - 30.00S/07.00E-06AAA01
Period of Record: 1954-08-27 - 2009-07-10
                 Depth: 205 3.               Site: 434400121275801 - 21S/11E-19CCC
Period of Record: 1945-10-12 - 2009-05-20
               Aquifer: VALLEY FILL OR BASIN FILL
                 Depth: 100 4.               Site: 441508123053001 - 15S/03W-19ACD1
Period of Record: 1959-07-10 - 2009-05-19
               Aquifer: VALLEY FILL OR BASIN FILL
                 Depth: 98.0 5.               Site: 442242121405501 - 14S/09E-08ABA
Period of Record: 1985-05-09 - 2009-05-19
                 Depth: 403.00 6.               Site: 444956123031701 - 08S/03W-33DAB
Period of Record: 1961-09-11 - 2009-05-19
               Aquifer: COLUMBIA RIVER GROUP
                 Depth: 125 7.               Site: 452033122195901 - 02S/04E-29DAD
Period of Record: 1958-05-07 - 2009-05-20
               Aquifer: SANDY RIVER MUDSTONE
                 Depth: 177 8.               Site: 452912122312801 - 01.00S/02.00E-14ABC01
Period of Record: 1970-04-06 - 2009-06-03
                 Depth: 59

Map generated 8/24/2009 9:13:54 AM

  Groundwater Watch Help Page
Note: Color shading in the table below indicates multiple wells that plot as a single point on the state location map above.
Note: BLS = Water Level in Feet Below Land Surface, AVD = Water Level in Feet Above Vertical Datum
Site ID Site NameMost Recent
Local Aquifer
1 420825123040401 39S/03W-33BBA140.03 BLS 6/30/2009  260.0   Applegate Group
2 430029121552101 30.00S/07.00E-06AAA01198.68 BLS 7/10/2009  205.0  
3 434400121275801 21S/11E-19CCC28.54 BLS 8/23/2009  100.0   Valley Fill Or Basin Fill
4 441508123053001 15S/03W-19ACD14.84 BLS 5/19/2009  98.0   Valley Fill Or Basin Fill
5 442242121405501 14S/09E-08ABA293.97 BLS 8/22/2009  403.0  
6 444956123031701 08S/03W-33DAB8.43 BLS 5/19/2009  125.0   Columbia River Group
7 452033122195901 02S/04E-29DAD64.62 BLS 8/22/2009  177.0   Sandy River Mudstone
8 452912122312801 01.00S/02.00E-14ABC0142.28 BLS 6/3/2009  59.0  

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Last update: Monday, August 24, 2009 at 09:13