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Complaints of Employment Discrimination

Federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination are enforced through the EEO complaints process. The federal EEO complaints process is governed by the regulations, management directives, guidance, and case law of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), as well as applicable federal court cases. The EEO complaints process consists of three parts:

If you believe you have been discriminated against because of your race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability, or retaliation when applying for a job with the NTSB, or while on the job at the NTSB, you may initiate a discrimination complaint by contacting the NTSB EEO Director at (202) 314-6190. 

Time limits

To preserve their rights under EEO laws, individuals who want to initiate a discrimination complaint must contact the NTSB EEO Director within 45 calendar days of the date of the alleged discriminatory act or matter.  The EEO Director will assign an EEO Counselor to attempt resolution of your allegations.

EEO counseling

EEO counseling is required before a formal written complaint of discrimination may be filed.  Individuals must cooperate in good faith with the EEO counseling process to preserve their right to access the formal EEO complaint process. During EEO counseling, the EEO counselor attempts to resolve the matter and provides information about complainants’ rights and responsibilities related to the administrative complaint process.  To request assignment of an EEO Counselor contact the EEO Director at 202-314-6190.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Alternative Dispute Resolution (mediation) is an option available during the EEO counseling process. Mediation is voluntary and must be requested by the individual being counseled.

Formal Complaints of Discrimination

If the EEO Counselor’s attempts to resolve your allegations have been unsuccessful, the EEO Counselor will provide you a written Notice of Final Interview, and right to file a formal discrimination complaint.  You have 15 days from the date of receipt of this notice to submit a written discrimination complaint by mail or in person, to the EEO Director. Please note that complaints must be signed and in writing. The mailing address for correspondence is:

National Transportation Safety Board
Office of Equal Employment Opportunity
490 L’ Enfant Plaza E. SW
Washington, DC 20594

EEOC regulations governing the Federal administrative EEO complaint process


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