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External link Fetal Memory Recorded in Study Exit Disclaimer
A Dutch study has recorded short-term memory in fetuses at 30 weeks, according to a study in the July/August issue of Child Development. Short-term memory recollection seemed to increase as weeks passed, with a recall of about to four weeks
External link Study Pinpoints FASD Traits Exit Disclaimer
A study from a mental health team in Toronto has found that the characteristics of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder are similar to traits for attention deficit disorder. The study will appear in the October 2009 of Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. Exit Disclaimer
External link Preeclampsia May be linked to Pollution Exit Disclaimer
A study appearing in the July issue of Environmental Health Perspectives points to the possibility of air pollution in southern California being linked to women experiencing preeclampsia and preterm births.
External link Study Shows Alcohol Consumption Persists
A 15-year CDC study found that, on average, one out of eight women consumes alcohol during pregnancy and that number has not decreased, despite warnings from the surgeon general.
External link Air Pollution may stunt Fetal Growth Exit Disclaimer
An article in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health finds that air pollutants may curb the normal growth of the fetus.
External link The study of Epigenetics Exit Disclaimer
An article in the FASEB journal explains the science of epigenetics or the study of genetics across life spans, finding that a lack of nutrients for a pregnant mother results in smaller offspring predisposed to being undernourished.
External link B-12 May Impact Neural Tube Defects
A study out of Trinity College Dublin found that a woman’s lack of the vitamin B-12, around the time of conception may contribute to the development of neural tube defects in their child.
External link Hormone Therapy Produces Miracle Growth Exit Disclaimer
Growth hormones have been proven to increase a child’s final height regardless of whether the child is hormone growth deficient, according to a study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. An average of three inches were added to final heights and seemed to work better in children of parents with average heights.
External link Diabetes linked to Language Delays in Children Exit Disclaimer
According to an article in Pediatrics, children of women with pregnancy-related diabetes are twice as likely to experience language development problems.
External link Intervention Key [PDF | 2MB] Exit Disclaimer
Scientists believe early treatment of cystic fibrosis can begin in infants, who have shown signs of disease progression, according to an article in the second December issue of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.
External link Down's symptoms May be Treatable in the Womb Exit Disclaimer
Experiments conducted on mouse pups that have a chromosomal abnormality similar to that of Down syndrome in humans, showed improvements in developmental delays after receiving treatments of nerve-protecting chemicals before birth.
External link Place of Birth Contributes to Asthma Disparity Exit Disclaimer
A person’s birthplace seems to play a role in whether or not asthma develops, according to researchers from Tuft University who compared rates between American-born and foreign-born individuals. The study appears in the Journal of Asthma.
External link Eating Eggs during Pregnancy Affects Offspring Exit Disclaimer
Biologists at Boston University have found that eating eggs while pregnant seems to protect and alter the offspring’s future. In the study, choline, a nutrient in eggs, seemed to delay the growth of tumors in the offspring of mice who received choline, according to the article in the FASEB Journal.
External link Exposed Newborns More Difficult to Soothe Exit Disclaimer
Research from the Miriam Hospital in Providence, RI found that the same babies who experience low birth weight and a higher risk of SIDS because of exposure to cigarette smoke while in the womb, are also less likely to be self soothe and are more irritable. The study, which looked at 56 babies, is published in the online edition of the Journal of Pediatrics.
External link Vitamin D found to fight placental infection Exit Disclaimer
UCLA researchers have found that Vitamin D can promote immune responses in the placenta, according to the online article in the Biology of Reproduction.
External link U.S. Prematurity Rate Close to Failing Exit Disclaimer
The March of Dimes slapped the U.S. with a grade of D Wednesday, Nov. 11 after comparing states premature birth rates with the goals for Health People 2010.
External link Mother’s Mental Health Linked to Pregnancy Results Exit Disclaimer
A study out of the University of Manchester found that women who had a history of serious mental illness were more likely to have a stillborn birth or give birth to a child that dies within the first few months.
External link The Effects of Caffeine on Unborn Exit Disclaimer
According to a research paper published in the British Medical Journal, caffeine consumption at any time during pregnancy can restrict fetal growth.
External link Shifting the Vaccine Schedule Exit Disclaimer
A study out of Wake Forest and Vanderbilt universities suggests vaccinating newborns a couple of weeks earlier to prevent the possibility of complications from pertussis or whooping cough.
External link Extra Pregnancy Weight Raises Risks Exit Disclaimer
Women who gained 40 pounds or more during their pregnancy are more likely to have a heavy baby, according to an article published in the November issue of Obstetrics & Gynecology. Heavy babies can lead to complications during the birth and the likelihood of obesity later in the child’s life.
External link Aggressive Phototherapy Improves Babies' Odds Exit Disclaimer
In the Oct. 30 New England Journal of Medicine, researchers found that aggressive phototherapy led to decreased rates of premature babies developing blindness, deafness or cerebral palsy.
External link Study reveals Importance of Treating Jaundice
A study by NIH found that treating severe jaundice in premature infants decreased their rate of brain injury, according to the article in the Oct. 30 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.
External link Breastfeeding and Obesity Link Exit Disclaimer
Temple researchers conducted a study to find out how breastfeed is linked to lower obesity rates in children. They found that children who are breastfed were able to tell when they were full, while children who were bottle fed were less likely to know they were full and had a higher BMI rate.
External link Bred for Obesity Exit Disclaimer
Researchers have tested which factors determine fetal overgrowth and whether or not a child will have a greater chance of being obese based on a pregnant mother’s food consumption.
External link Disparities in Cardiovascular Health Linked to Race Exit Disclaimer
An article published in the American Journal of Human Biology suggests that the likeliness of cardiovascular problems later in life may be linked to low birth weight and that a baby’s low birth weight may be attributed to social factors instead of genetics, making it possible for a great-grandmother’s health to affect her great-grandson.
External link New Test for Down syndrome Exit Disclaimer
A test developed by researchers at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute is being touted as a possible replacement to standard tests for Down syndrome in the unborn. The test has yet to be performed on a larger group of women, but if successful, would be a likely alternative that would not pose the risk of miscarriage. By testing the mother’s blood, which contains small amounts of the baby’s DNA, scientists were able to tell if the baby would have Down syndrome within a couple days.
External link Tracking Your Child’s Developments
The CDC is offering information and interactive tools to help parents monitor their child’s development beyond the usual signs parents look for, like height and weight. Although the site provides information for parents who may be concerned about autism, developmental signs are available to any parent who desires to see if their child’s behavior corresponds with his or her age.

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