film strip imageImage of Jupiter and the Galilean Satellitesfilm strip image

NSSDC Photo Gallery


Thumbnail Image Description Caption NASA IDs Image Size Hi-Resolution TIFF?
Thumbnail of image Three-color filter image of the smallest Galilean satellite, Europa. Caption P-21208C, 79-HC-84, PIA00016 28K Hi-res
Thumbnail of image Close-up image of Europa. Caption P-21760C, 79-HC-282, PIA00459 131K Hi-res


Thumbnail Image Description Caption NASA IDs Image Size Hi-Resolution TIFF?
Thumbnail of image Newly-discovered impact crater on Europa. Caption P-47169, PIA00294 160K Hi-res
Thumbnail of image Features on Europa resembling Earth ice floes. Caption P-47170, PIA00291 82K Hi-res
Thumbnail of image Four-frame mosaic of Europa's northern hemisphere (including the north pole). Caption P-47183, PIA00295 486K Hi-res
Thumbnail of image False color image of the Minos Linea region on Europa. Caption P-47906, PIA00275 144K Hi-res
Thumbnail of image Trailing hemisphere of Europa in "natural" and false color. Caption P-48040, PIA00502 70K Hi-res
Thumbnail of image Fractures and ridges on Europa. Caption P-48127, PIA00518 85K Hi-res
Thumbnail of image Pwyll Crater on Europa. Caption P-48506, PIA00586 110K Hi-res
Thumbnail of image Close-up of Europa's trailing hemisphere. Caption P-48507, PIA00587 106K Hi-res
Thumbnail of image Ridges, hills, and domes on Europa. Caption P-48524, PIA00588 153K Hi-res
Thumbnail of image Triple band on Europa. Caption P-48525, PIA00590 103K Hi-res
Thumbnail of image Ice rafts on Europa. Caption P-48526, PIA00591 121K Hi-res
Thumbnail of image Close-up of Europa's surface. Caption P-48527, PIA00592 69K Hi-res
Thumbnail of image Mosaic of ridges and craters on Europa. Caption P-48532, PIA00589 59K Hi-res

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Version 2.4, 25 February 2003