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Assessment Strategies and Reading Profiles

Learner Questionnaire

The Benefits of Using a Learner Questionnaire

teacher administering learner questionnaireThere is a strong relationship between learners' educational histories and their adult reading profiles.

The ARCSRR research shows that learners who have the same pattern of reading test scores (that is, the same profile) usually provide the same kinds of answers in several key areas of the background questionnaire.To put it plainly, the more you know about your learner's language background, previous education, and present literacy activities, the better you will be able to gear your instruction to an appropriate pace and level, using materials that are of interest to him or her.

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Feel free to use as many of the questions as are important to your program. They will provide you with insights into your learner's background. The questionnaire is designed to be given orally, in an interview format, but it shouldn't take more than 15 minutes to complete.

Please use the links below to view/print a shortened version of the learner questionnaire used for the ARCS.

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Last updated: Thursday, 23-Jul-2009 11:49:01 EDT