CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  NIDDK - National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

NDEP is a partnership of the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and more than 200 public and private organizations.

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Partners & Community Organizations

NDEP’s success is due to its extensive partnership network of over 200 partners at the federal, state, and local level. They include professional associations, national service and civic organizations, and community groups. Through the efforts of our partners, NDEP effectively extends its reach to target audiences: people with diabetes and their families, people at risk for type 2 diabetes, health care professionals, payers and purchasers of health care, and policy makers.

Who can become an NDEP partner? You can make a difference in diabetes prevention and control by taking an active role in this important program. All organizations, associations, and groups promoting NDEP messages and materials are considered a partner. If you or your organization is active at the local or state level, NDEP encourages you to join your State Diabetes Prevention and Control Program’s efforts to expand the reach of NDEP messages and activities. These programs are existing members of the NDEP Partnership Network. NDEP partners support and promote NDEP messages, campaigns, and materials. For example, they can:

  • Adopt NDEP’s messages and promote them within their organization and to the communities they serve.
  • Adapt and tailor messages for target audiences as appropriate.
  • Disseminate information and materials to media, community organizations, and target audiences.
  • Coordinate education activities and share resources with other partner organizations.
  • Use NDEP resources to modify the health care delivery system to improve quality and access.

Take advantage of all the support, resources, tools, and expertise the NDEP offers, including copyright-free publications from NDEP campaigns, Control Your Diabetes. For Life., and Small Steps. Big Rewards. Prevent type 2 Diabetes. The links below can help you get started.

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NDEP NEWS & NOTES current issue coverNDEP’s monthly e-newsletter, is designed to keep you informed about our activities and help you identify opportunities to incorporate our messages, products, and activities into your programs.

Latest Issue: August 2009



Program Update

Program Update current issue coverLearn about NDEP’s program and partner successes, unique promotions, and announcements, through this semi-annual newsletter.

Latest Issue: Winter 2009



Partner Guidelines

For national organizations and companies that share common priorities and interests with NDEP, these guidelines have been established to provide direction and guidance for working collaboratively to reach NDEP goals and objectives. NDEP publications are all copyright-free, and these guidelines include information on how organizations can adopt these materials for their diabetes outreach.

Bring Diabetes Information to Your Community

NDEP offers several community guides to show how you can create and sponsor diabetes prevention and control activities in your community. These guides offer tips to help you start partnerships, plan activities, and raise community awareness.

NDEP Logos and Banners

Help promote the NDEP by creating a link to our website and adding our logo or banner to your site.

State-based Diabetes Prevention and Control Programs

Find out more about the State Diabetes Prevention and Control Programs and their activities in your area.



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Control Your Diabetes. For Life. Campaign Guide for Partners

Control Your Diabetes. For Life. Campaign Guide for Partners

This 58-page how-to guide is designed to help partner organizations disseminate the Control Your Diabetes. For Life. campaign messages.

Diabetes Community Partnership Guide

Diabetes Community Partnership Guide

This how-to kit contains ideas, tools, and guidelines to develop community partnerships to promote diabetes activities.

The Power to Control Diabetes is in Your Hands Community Outreach Kit

The Power to Control Diabetes is in Your Hands Community Outreach Kit

This resource kit provides information about diabetes in older adults and suggests how to promote the Power to Control campaign through educational activities, media events, and promotional campaigns.

Power to Prevent: A Family Lifestyle Approach to Diabetes Prevention

Power to Prevent: A Family Lifestyle Approach to Diabetes Prevention

This modular curriculum can be used by small groups to learn how to make healthy lifestyle changes around food and physical activity to prevent and manage diabetes. Accompanying CD-ROM has files for NDEP materials used in conjunction with the curriculum.

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In This Section
What’s New
Más que comida, es vida. (It’s more than food. It’s Life.) Bilingual Poster
This poster is designed to dispel misunderstandings about healthy eating and teaches Hispanics/Latinos to adopt a meal plan that maintains the cultural uniqueness of their food.
Partner Spotlight
National Association of School Nurses (NASN)
NDEP applauds the National Association of School Nurses (NASN) for a productive partnership over the years. As one of NDEP's eight national organizations funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), NASN develops and implements activities to help disseminate NDEP's messages and materials to high-risk audiences.
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