Transportation Librarians Roundtable

Upcoming Sessions

  • August 13, 2009
    ITRD and TRIS: What’s the Difference Between International Transportation Resources
    SPEAKER: Barbara Post, TRB Information Manager
  • September 10, 2009
    Demonstrating the Business Case for Libraries: Case studies from PACCAR and MnDOT
    SPEAKER: Betsy Aldridge, Library Team Lead, PACCAR, Inc. & Sheila Hatchell, Library Director, MnDOT.

The TLR will be held on the second Thursday of each month for one hour starting at 2:00pm EDT.

How to participate

To participate, access the following web site:
Phone number (for audio portion): 218-486-8700; pass code: 958303

To help ensure that your system is properly configured for participation in the web conference, please use the following link to test your setup:


The Transportation Librarians Roundtable (TLR), a monthly web conference series, is an initiative of the National Transportation Library (NTL), co-sponsored by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Transportation Research Board, and the Special Libraries Association's Transportation Division.

The TLR's purpose is to provide transportation librarians with opportunities to learn more about issues of mutual concern and interest and also to have a new means of regular communication among members of that community.

For further information on the TLR, or to suggest possible future topics, please contact Amanda J. Wilson, NTL Director, at or 202-366-2480 or Bob Cullen, AASHTO Information Resource Manager, at or 202-624-8918.

Transportation Librarians Roundtable Logo

Browse Our Archives

SLA/Joint TKNs follow-up and Next Steps for the Community
July 9, 2009
Speakers: Discussion led by NTL and TKNs

USDOT Update: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
June 11, 2009
Rosalyn Alleman, David Jones, and Roger Garren, Reference Librarians, National Transportation Library

How to Ensure your Resources are 508 compliant
May 14, 2009
Natalie Collier and Jessica Chaiken, Library and Information Services at the National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC)

Raise Your Library Profile for Free(or Cheaply)
April 9, 2009
Kendra K. Levine, Institute of Transportation Studies Library

Bullhorns, Bridges and Bookmarks: How to make this Year's National Library Week the Best Ever
March 12, 2009
Bob Cullen, AASHTO Information Manager

Perspectives from New Transportation Library Professionals
February 12, 2009
Eileen Boswell, Information Specialist, Community Transportation Association of America
Kendra K. Levine, Reference & Whatever Librarian Institute of Transportation Studies Library UC Berkeley
Karen Perrin, M.S. in LIS, Technical Reference Librarian, Policy and Research Center, Illinois Department of Transportation

Cataloging 2009: Resources, Issues, Challenges
January 8, 2009
Paul Burley, Northwestern University Transportation Library

The Challenges Ahead: Actions for Tough Economic Times
December 11, 2008
Roberto Sarmiento, Director, Northwestern University Transportation Library

Roundtable Archive

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