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US-Japan Wide-Angle Neutron Diffractometer (WAND)

    HB-2C Fact sheet (pdf)
Beam Spectrum:   Thermal
Monochromators:   Vertically focused Ge(113).
Ge(115) is also available to provide lamda= Å
Monochromator angle:   2ΘM = 52.0°
Wavelength:   lamda = 1.5 Å
Scattering angles:   10° < 2θ < -135°
Sample angles:   0° <     < 135°
Detector:   Multiwire (624 anodes, 0.2° pitch) He3 curved PSD

HB-2C Schematic

The Wide-Angle Neutron Diffractometer (WAND) at the HFIR HB-2C beam tube was designed to provide two specialized data-collection capabilities: (1) fast measurements of medium-resolution powder-diffraction patterns and (2) measurements of diffuse scattering in single crystals using flat-cone geometry. For these purposes, this instrument is equipped with a curved, one-dimensional 3He position-sensitive detector covering 125º of the scattering angle with the focal distance of 71 cm. The sample and detector can be tilted in the flat-cone geometry mode. These features enable measurement of single-crystal diffraction patterns in a short time over a wide range of the reciprocal space, as well as performance of time-resolved experiments for structural transformations having short time constants. The WAND detector (ORDELA 1410N) is a multianode type (624 anodes and a 0.2° pitch) 3He gas counter specially designed for this instrument. This detector has an intrinsic angular resolution of 0.25° and a maximum counting rate per anode of 105 counts/s.

WAND is ideal for the study of time-resolved phenomena and for the study of diffuse scattering in single crystals. Research performed at WAND includes studies of the growth of ferroelectric ice-XI, hole and charge ordering in colossal magnetoresistance materials, and studies of magnetic structures and correlations in low-dimensional magnetic systems and other magnetic materials.

WAND is operated in collaboration with the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute under the U.S.–Japan Cooperative Program on Neutron Scattering Research.


  Information Contact: Jaime Fernandez-Baca, Instrument Scientist  

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Office of Science