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1997 Partnerships for Networked Consumer Health Information Conference

Summaries of Plenary Sessions and Breakout Sessions

Customizing Information #4: Global Health Connections

Date: Wednesday, April 16, 1997
Time: 9:30 - 11:00 AM

Moderator: Roberto J. Rodrigues, MD, Program Coordinator, Health Services Information Systems, Pan American Health Organization

Speaker: Salah H. Mandil, PhD, Director of Informatics, World Health Organization, "World Health Strategies"

Speaker: Eugene Boostrom, MD, DrPH, Senior Public Health Specialist, Economic Development Institute, Human Resources and Poverty Division, World Bank, "Global Health Networking and International Organizations"

Speaker: Warren B. Buhler, Coordinator, Informatics 2000 Initiative, InterAmerican Development Bank, "The InterAmerican Development Bank's Informatics 2000 Initiative"

Speaker: William G. Foster, President, The Marshall Legacy Institute, "Health Initiatives for the 21st Century"

Statement of the Subject

In all countries, advances in computer-based telecommunication technologies have created opportunities for the deployment of systems that enhance individual and community health conditions. Appropriate technologies combined with a sound health information infrastructure can effectively contribute to: the expansion of access to services and better quality of care; the improvement and support of health promotion; and the operational activities of health services, data integration, and increased access to knowledge and education of providers and consumers. The social impact of the introduction of such technologies is an area of concern—especially in developing or underdeveloped areas or countries—notwithstanding the fact that the lack of information and information systems has been shown to be one reason for inequalities of access and care quality among individuals and society groups. Inappropriate implementation of Health Informatics may widen the gulf between the haves and the have-nots.

Key Issues

Partnerships and joint investment and development involving users, governments, academic and financing institutions and agencies, technical cooperation agencies and industry interests are seen as necessary. Early involvement and participation of the industry is fundamental and a concerted effort is needed to secure clearly defined and specified partnerships with the informatics industry at the global and national levels. International, intergovernmental, academic, and financing organizations and agencies are already positioning themselves to respond to the surge of demand already happening throughout the world. The management of multiple stakeholders in the international environment and strategies for developing partnerships will be examined. Models and initiatives at the global level will be presented.

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1997 Partnerships for Networked Consumer Health Information Conference

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Last updated on June 26, 2003

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