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The following represents the content we have available in this category:
External link 9 a Day for African American Men
9 A Day -- a national campaign to encourage African American men to eat 9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. African American men are among the most seriously affected by diet-related chronic diseases, and have the lowest overall consumption of fruits and vegetables.
The Community Initiatives to Eliminate Stroke Program (CITIES)
FY 2004-2007 Grantees

OMH has awarded 2 million for 3 grants under the Secretary's Stroke Belt Elimination Initiative.
Closing the Health GAP Campaign
Overview: Closing the Health Gap is an educational campaign designed to help make good health an important issue among racial and ethnic minority populations, who are affected by serious diseases and health conditions at far greater rates than other Americans. In 2002, HHS and its founding partner, the ABC Radio Networks, launched the campaign with a series of health messages for African American communities. In 2003, the campaign expanded its focus to bring the best health information to more communities, including Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, American Indians, and Alaska Natives.
Obesity Abatement In the African American Community Initiative
The purpose of the Obesity Abatement in the African American Community Initiative is to bring broad and diverse segments of the African American community together to engage in data gathering, education, recreation, and nutrition programs designed to impact this life and community threatening problem.

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Office of Minority Health
Toll Free: 1-800-444-6472 / Fax: 301-251-2160

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