Voyager 1/2 Closest Approach Distances/Times

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Voyager 1 Voyager 2
Distance Date/Time Distance Date/Time
Jupiter 4.89 RJ March 5, 1979 12:05:26 10.11 RJ July 9, 1979 22:29:51
Saturn 3.09 RS Nov. 12, 1980 23:46:30 2.67 RS Aug. 26, 1981 03:24:57
Uranus --- --- 4.19 RU Jan. 24, 1986 17:59:47
Neptune --- --- 1.18 RN Aug. 25, 1989 03:56:36

Note: Times are given in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for the spacecraft. Distances are given in planetary radii. 1 RJ is 1 Jovian radius (71,398 Km), 1 RS is 1 Saturnian radius (60,330 Km), 1 RU is one Uranian radius (25,559 Km), and 1 RN is one Neptunian radius (24,760 Km).

Voyager page
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Dr. Edwin V. Bell, II
Mail Code 690.1
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771
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NASA Official: Dr. Ed Grayzeck
V 2.0, 24 January 1996
Last Updated: 05 August 2008, EVB II