Comment Number: 531096-00328
Received: 9/6/2007 9:29:31 AM
Organization: Final Option Investigative Associates
Commenter: Thomas Herbert
State: WI
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Private Sector Use of SSNs
No Attachments


The access to SSN's by licensed, insured, bonded Investigations agencies is critical to the provision of services to our clients. The "Sam Spade" image is long gone and almost all investigators are business persons with ideals and a dedication to the provision of service to our clients. It is critical to find persons, check backgrounds, assist in litigation, and assist law enforcement with their tasks. The removal of that access (to SSN's) would be a major blow to the investigative process. I wish to register the strongest possible exception to ANYONE interfering with my right to conduct legal business and the provision of the best possible service to my clients. Access to SSN's by licensed and bonded (insured) agencies MUST remain on the table of services to my industry.