Comment Number: 531096-00325
Received: 9/5/2007 11:05:08 PM
Organization: Arkansas Investigations
Commenter: Michael West
State: AR
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Private Sector Use of SSNs
No Attachments


Regarding: SSNs In The Private Sector - Comment, Project No. P075414 Gentlemen I use my services to help people resolve problems, not to be intrusive or harm anyone. I often have to find people for loved ones or because their own attorney's have lost touch with them. I NEED full sonial security numbers in order to insure that I have found the right person. I can't do a quality job and assure my clients (attorney's courts, or anyone else) that the information that I'm presenting is accurate without that information. I please with you that depsite what you might hear about people who would harm some people, that this information is needed and a valuable resource. It's needed and I somply ask that it be made available. Some of us (more that you might believe by what a fed bad eggs do) are honest and using the information for a good (and legitimate) purpose. Dont take it away.