Comment Number: 531096-00314
Received: 9/5/2007 8:06:03 PM
Organization: Crucial Strategies Incorporated
Commenter: John Dillon
State: NY
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Private Sector Use of SSNs
No Attachments


I am a New York state licensed Private Investigator and retired police officer. It is a necessity for a firm such as mine to have access to SSN information to use in the identification of an individual who is involved in our investigations. The SSN along with other information is used to make a more positive ID of a suspect in fraud and other matters. Our industry is regulated by state and federal laws as it is, not to mention strict licensing laws and guidelines. I could bring to your attention many cases wherein a person with the same name and close age has been suspected of wrongdoing. This person could have been unjustly accused in the case at hand. The SSN was the main factor in positive ID of the "perpetrator" in the case. In fraud, financial and estate matters, it is necessary to use an SSN as a source of proper identification. Therefore, it is a necessity that we have access to this information. Please keep in mind that many criminal types invent and use several SSN's in the routine course of their criminal activities to avoid detection. We as licensed private investigators need this information - keep in mind that we serve government bodies as well as corporations and individuals in complex investigations. Thank you for your professional considerations.