Comment Number: 531096-00304
Received: 9/5/2007 5:50:09 PM
Organization: Midstates Investigations & Technical Services, inc.
Commenter: William Lundy
State: WI
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Private Sector Use of SSNs
No Attachments


As a professional investigator, I depend to a large extent on finding a person by searching on various fields such as Social Securtity. I need to find people for attorneys and insurers to either deliver good news about inheritances or other news like a claim is being filed and they are either the target or possiby the recipient. There are many people with like names and some with birthdates that are very close or even identical. The only relatively sure way of finding a specific person is to search on the single identifier that travels with a person for life, their SSN. I am also a fraud investigator and it is vital to me to be able to track people for the investigation for insurance fraud. It is a crime that removes billions of dollars per year from the industry and thus from the disposable income of all insured citizens. If you remove our ability to detect and deter fraud by taking away our ability to identify fraud artists, you in effect shield the criminals and hurt your constituents. We need to be able to use SSN's for our business purposes and to protect our clients.