Comment Number: 531096-00226
Received: 9/2/2007 1:40:00 PM
Organization: CheckMate Investigations LLC
Commenter: Frank Grande
State: CT
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Private Sector Use of SSNs
No Attachments


I am a licensed Private Investigator in the State of CT. I have been in this business for over 10 years and on my own for 4 now. I have done work for Insurance companies, Law firms, corporate and private companies alike. I pay to be licensed and heave gone through through background screenings alike as my fellow colleagues. We gather information through database research as well as other helpful sources. The databases that we all use are licensed and professional companies that are either law enforcement, investigative, or government personnel that know the laws thoroughly and screen each individual and company to allow them to use their services. All transaction are confidential and allow my company to locate missing persons, run through backgrounds for municipalities as well as corporations and so forth. The system is not being abused by the Private Investigators in this industry. We use Social Security Searches to locate the persons in query. Take that away and why do we use the Internet to condcut research an investigative searches. It is a valuable tool used by my company as well as many others. If it needs to be regulated than I have no problem with that. Make the screening process more in depth. Is it not our rights to be able to condcut searches on individuals for employment, safety, as well as character? If this occurs, what will be next? Do not take away the tools we use to help keep crime, dishonesty and corruption down. These are solely my opinions and are not targeted to any one, any company, or any organization.