Comment Number: 531096-00215
Received: 8/30/2007 10:17:35 PM
Organization: J.Belich & Associates, Inc.
Commenter: John P. (Jack) Belich, Sr.
State: FL
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Private Sector Use of SSNs
No Attachments


I am the president of a small, family owned and operated private investigation agency, licensed in the State of Florida. I am writing to tell the FTC that access to Social Security Administration Numbers, by private investigators, is an absolute must. The bulk of my case work involves missing persons/missing heirs/ runaway or abducted children, and locating missing witnesses for both civil as well as criminal actions. I also do identity theft investigations; investigations involving corporate due diligence and background screening on candidates for potential senior executive employment in the private sector. If I do not have access to Social Security Administration Numbers, then the likely-hood of my being able to accurately trace the subject is greatly diminished and perhaps made impossible. If I'm unable to trace the individual I am searching for, then my client will be unable to either bring a civil or criminal action against an offender or they will be unable to properly defend themselves in court. All commercially available data bases use three primary items which will positively identify an individual, their full name; their date of birth; and their Social Security Administration Number. I urge the Federal Trade Commission not to take any action that would hinder the efficient administration of justice in our court system; or the location and return of missing children. Private Investigators absolutely need access to the Social Security Administration Numbers. Thank you for your attention to this letter.