Comment Number: 531096-00211
Received: 8/30/2007 4:30:35 PM
Organization: Precision Investigations & Consulting LLC
Commenter: Dale Dorning
State: OH
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Private Sector Use of SSNs
No Attachments


I am a licensed private investigator in two states. I whole heartedly agree with restricting the SSN to the general public. In my line of work, access to that information is vital in distinguishing one person from another. We use it to locate and interview witnesses. It is utilized in identifying defendants in legal actions. It can be used in numerous investigative tasks. Like anything else, in the wrong hands, it can be abused. Your agency should allow continued access to the licensed and insured private investigator. If an investigator abuses the information, then they should face the consequences. Please don’t cripple an industry and hurt many for the sins of a few. Thank you. Please feel to contact me for further information.