Comment Number: 531096-00209
Received: 8/30/2007 3:02:10 PM
Commenter: Monday
State: AZ
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Private Sector Use of SSNs
No Attachments


I belong to a PI (private investigator's) group where the leadership is going ballistic about the idea that lists of SS numbers should not be available to non-law enforcement investigators. The leadership insists its members write you to oppose any restriction on the use of social security identifiers. I'm sure you will get many notes screaming that private investigators cannot do their job without access to the data. While I admit that easy access to the identifiers makes the work less onerous I feel certain that PIs will continue to take cases and will continue to accept fees for their work. Police will not be hampered in their criminal probes; government investigators won't be significantly hampered. The rule proposed seems logical to me, and will protect many people.