Comment Number: 531096-00191
Received: 8/28/2007 8:33:51 PM
Organization: DTSAM Investigations LLC
Commenter: Sam Andino
State: NY
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Private Sector Use of SSNs
No Attachments


I am currently a Private Investigator in NY and I am contracted to apprehend and return fugitives back to their respective courts, who have "skipped out" on their Bail. Currently I utilize SSN no.s on the majority of my cases. Without the availability of the SSN no. it would really make my task more so difficult to return these fugitives back to court, so that they may face the crimianl charges pending. At times, a fugitive may have a common name that the only way I can more accurately locate these individuals is thru their unique identifier which is their SSN. There are not many avenues that I can utilize to identify someone who can be either using a fake name or using someone elses identity other than a SSN.