Comment Number: 531096-00171
Received: 8/28/2007 10:27:29 AM
Organization: A. A. & Associates, Inc.
Commenter: Mel Ashton
State: UT
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Private Sector Use of SSNs
No Attachments


Dear Trade Commission. I am retired from DEA and I have been a private investiagator since 1990. Social Security numbers are important in locating witnesses, missing heirs, debtors and missing relatives. It is impossible to differentiate between a Mark Jones, John Smith or Darrell Johnson without a social security number. Private investiagators have a ligitmate need to access social security numbers. In Utah, we are licensed through the Utah Department Of Public Safety and the majority of states have state oversight of private investigators. You assistance is needed to ensure that we have access to social security numbers in our official capacity.