Comment Number: 531096-00168
Received: 8/28/2007 9:55:12 AM
Organization: Dan Morrow Investigations
Commenter: Dan Morrow
State: TX
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Private Sector Use of SSNs
No Attachments


RE:SSNs In The Private Sector - Comment, Project No. P075414 As a licensed private investigator I use SSN's to help in locating individuals for a variety of important purposes. We assist identity theft victims to restore their good names. We use such data to locate witnesses in order to present best evidence at trial, and in fact, have used such data to free innocent individuals falsely convicted. In addition, we have used such information to locate deadbeat parents, find heirs and recover stolen funds. When I’m looking for someone with a common name, the Social Security number is essential for making a correct identification. Imagine looking for Juan Garcia in Texas or John Smith another state! It is the key element necessary for databases to make accurate identifications. I do agree that Social Security numbers should not be made accessible to everyone. They should not be freely available on the Internet. I also believe that such personal data should only be made available for those with a legitimate need for it. I am asking that wording be added similar to this: “to identify or locate missing or abducted persons, witnesses, criminals and fugitives, persons that are or may become parties to litigation, parents delinquent in child support payments, organ and bone marrow donors, pension fund beneficiaries, missing heirs and persons material to due diligence inquiries.”, and that “or a licensed Private Investigator in the course of their investigation.” be added so we can continue to provide this information. As a licensed private investigator I am required to maintain control of the information I obtain (including SSN and other credit information) and keep this information in my case file until the case is resolved. At that time it is shredded.