Comment Number: 531096-00155
Received: 8/27/2007 5:20:04 PM
Organization: Intelligent Ops International, Inc.
Commenter: Raymond Miller
State: CA
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Private Sector Use of SSNs
No Attachments


The availability of full ssn's in the Private Investigation field is very important. SSN's assist me when I am locating someone and I want to be sure that it is the right person that I am locating. Without SSN's it would be tough when you have a common name such as John Smith, or Juan Lopez, etc. Without SSN's, Private Investigator's would have to charge their clients more hourly time to complete an investigation because it would be almost impossible to locate someone and be sure that it is that person without having to check multiple addresses. If Private Investigators were not allowed access to SSN's for identification purposes then we would have our hands tied when it comes to conducting investigations where we need to confirm someone's identity. I think that a good compromise to any pending legislation prohibiting the use of SSN's by private parties would be to allow state or government licensed Private Investigator's to have access to that information as an exemption.