Comment Number: 531096-00154
Received: 8/27/2007 4:58:15 PM
Organization: Able Shamus Investigations
Commenter: Salvatore Alioto
State: NY
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Private Sector Use of SSNs
No Attachments


As a licensed private investigator the social security number provides a reliable and cost effective function. It can be used to find people and find out about people: deadbeat parents; long lost heirs, relatives and friends; civil judgement absconders; fraudulent job applicants; fraudulent tenancy applicants; fraudulent marriage suiters; fraudulent business promoters; civil and criminal witnesses just to name a few. There are little or no government generated resources that administer to these and many other dilemmas the public must deal with. The social security number pulls the needle out of the hay stack, the exact individual, quickly and frugally. Your question, I'm sure, is whether these searches can be completed without the use of a social security number? Probably, if significantly increased time and cost are not a factor. Unfortunately for most of us they are, rendering these services unavailable to all but the wealthiest persons or corporations and only in situations where expediency is not a matter. Middle America gets it in the seat of the pants again particularly in the judicial system. This may not be the most elequent comment you will read but I believe it cuts directly to the chase. Thank you for your time.