Comment Number: 531096-00055
Received: 8/4/2007 8:18:36 AM
Commenter: Marc Farnum Rendino
State: VT
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Private Sector Use of SSNs
No Attachments


Abuse of the SSN as a de facto national ID is staggeringly rampant - and a large part of the increase in identity fraud. It pervade both government and the private sector - I was recently asked for my SSN to get a discount on a $5 battery. Much damage has been done - however it is not too late to actually enforce current law (to wit: SSN for Social Security ONLY). Nor is it too late to enact new laws and practices that take into account current realities (ex: that much data is, intentionally or not, trivially easy to access over telecom networks) AND to think ahead a bit, since the pace of change continues to accelerate. Thank you.