Comment Number: 531096-00026
Received: 8/2/2007 10:47:03 AM
State: AZ
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Private Sector Use of SSNs
No Attachments


It is unbelieveable how many businesses have my SSN and in each of those businesses are numerous employees and others who have access to my file. Each time I go to a new doctor or dentist they ask for my SSN. I went back to school and the school requested my SSN. I am now searching for a job and applications request my SSN even before the interviews. I saw an opportunity on the Internet for affiliate marketing, but didn't do it because you need to give your SSN to each web site you contract with. In each of these situations, my SSN is entered into computer databases. One dentist's office had patient files in a large bookcase. I asked if they locked the files up at night and was told -- No, the only people in here at night are the cleaning people. So I began to wonder how many offices don't lock up files with personal information in them -- accessible to "cleaning people" who are probably faceless and nameless to the office staff. You don't want to be paranoiac but I do live in AZ which has an extremely high level of ID theft. Solution might be that insurance company must issue a credit card type health card with a number embossed on it so you don't need to give SSN's at medical/dental offices. Another solution might be to disallow potential employers from requesting SSN's before being hired. Thank you for letting me express my comments and hopefully the President’s Identity Theft Task Force can help in resolving this issue of ID theft.