Comment Number: 531096-00020
Received: 8/1/2007 7:10:13 PM
Commenter: Edith Brownbryant
State: VA
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Private Sector Use of SSNs
No Attachments


I personally find the use of the SSN as an identifier/verifier, etc. to be offensive and very derogatory. I was born with a name, not a number. With the use of my SSN, my anonymity is gone. I am no longer a person, a human being and I have no control on my personal data. If Hitler's use of his 9 digit coding of the Jewish people was not acceptable, why is our government allowing private businesses to utilize government property, the SSN for personal gains. In addition, with the "outsourcing" of all services, (customer service and call centers located in Columbia, India, Mexico, Costa Rica, Phillipines, Canada, etc) there is no way that private businesses can control and secure your personal data. If your SSN cannot be used as an identifier/verifier/coder under the HIPA Laws, the security of the SSN usage should be universal and consistent for all industries. Private industry is abusing the use of SSN and the privacy of the citizens by alleging that under the Patriots Act, Home Security and terrorism, it is necessary. These businesses further state that they are protecting your privacy and security. Yet, if you refuse to provide the business your SSN, DOB, address, telephone number, they refuse to give customer service or handle any adversarial issues. Only governments should be allowed to retain a person’s SSN and personal identifiers. The governments’ use should be limited to taxation, employment investigations, service entitlements and fraud prevention. In a democracy, capitalism is not a primary or secondary essential characteristic. We the people are the government and we must be in control our society, not leave it in the hands of profiteers and private industry manipulation. In conclusion, all industries (banks, credit bureaus, etc.) must be stopped from utilizing SSN's and personal verifiers. All citizens should have a right and approval to authorize and or decline the use and dissemination of their personal vital data. They can use unique coding of other alpha/numerical systems. Thank you.