Comment Number: 531096-00018
Received: 8/1/2007 5:16:52 PM
Commenter: Bernita Wideman
State: PA
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Private Sector Use of SSNs
No Attachments


I received my SSN in 1980 at the age of 10, then it was understood that the SSN was used for two specific purposes to establish residency (US) and for employment purposes. The use of SSN in order to get a service is totally ridculous. Why does a business need my SSN to rent video's or to return items at a store, to rent a car, etc. These situations are meant to be short- term, not long term. I may never rent a video, return an item, rent a car ever again in life. So why should a private sector business have access to my life. my identity. Thank you