Comment Number: 531096-00003
Received: 7/31/2007 11:24:01 AM
Commenter: Linda Ikle
State: NC
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Private Sector Use of SSNs
No Attachments


I am under the impression that I do not have to supply my social security number as an identifier except to entities that need it for tax related issues and security checks. Recently, I tried to refuse to give my SSN to a physician's office and they told me they would refuse service if I did not supply my SSN and the SSN of my daughter. Neither a doctor's office nor an insurance company nor a medical laboratory has any need of my SSN for any legitimate purpose that I can conceive of. They were using this solely as a unique identifier. Furthermore, it cannot be right that a physician's office manager would refuse medical services to me based upon my refusal to supply my SSN. I believe that the regulations about the use of the SSN for purposes beyond its original conception need to be spelled out much more clearly.