Comment Number: 527031-00065
Received: 3/13/2007 9:34:03 AM
Organization: The COOK Report on Internet Protocol
Commenter: Gordon Cook
State: NJ
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Broadband Connectivity Competition Policy
No Attachments


Network Neutrality is a two edged sword and is almost impossible to legislate without causing grievous harm to the protocol process that enables new applications to run on the Internet. You need to read the business communications review articles by John Waclawsky to undertsand why. The problem is that the local phone companies have been allowed to reintegrate and buy a new monopoly at the FCC. Broadband should never have been deregulated and treated as an information service. Force broadband delivery back where it was in 2002 and you will reinstate the principals of common carriage. Common carriage is needed as the only way to achieve network neutrality. Read Susan Crawffords papers Internet Think and The Internet and the Project of Communications Law. The papers are here: