Comment Number: 527031-00033
Received: 2/19/2007 11:51:21 AM
Commenter: U George
State: NJ
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Broadband Connectivity Competition Policy
No Attachments


Its interesting that in the Supreme Court case of "National Cable & Telecommunications Ass'n. v. Brand X Internet Services" that the judicial concept of DNS ( Domain Name Services ) was postulated. The court some how determined that routing information is conveyed. For some people this judicial determination does not appear to be based on technological fact and is clearly wrong. DNS is in its simplist form is the "Yellow pages" or the "White pages" of a phone book. A domain name is translated into its IP address, just like a Business name, published in the phone book, translated into an accompaning phone number. Dialing "0" for operator may also be construed as a form of DNS service. If the information is not available locally, then the operator may transfer the request to a national service that may have a more comprehensive data base of names and their associated phone numbers. Although just about every phone company provides this service, it does not appear to have coaxed the FCC into determining that those phone companies are now unregulated, as they are now information providing companies.