Comment Number: 527031-00031
Received: 2/18/2007 3:16:30 PM
Commenter: Eve Sutton
State: CA
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Broadband Connectivity Competition Policy
No Attachments


I support Net Neutrality, and oppose any impediment to public, equal, quick access to the Internet. I subscribe to DSL through my phone company, and that is how I view my Internet access-- it is a public utility. Like many Americans, and like many Internet users around the world, I depend on open access to all Internet sites, no matter which provider I use for my Internet connection, and no matter who is posting or delivering the content. The Internet is, and always should be, like a giant kiosk: anyone can post, and anyone can view, with equal ease and access. I would not have been able to start my small business without quick access to all Internet sites-- for myself, and my customers. In addition to buying and selling products on the Internet, I do extensive research on medical treatments, for social issues, history, and government. I depend on quick, easy access to all kinds of sources-- large companies, news providers, non-profit organizations, individuals, archives, etc.