From: Donna Evans by way of "Gregory E. Hales" <> <>

To: HQ.SAT4(khowerton)

Date: 7/28/97 1:46pm

Subject: Made in the USA


As an american consumer, I am appalled that the very agency that is supposed to protect us in this area was actually considering lowering the standards on Made in the U.S.A. labels. When I purchase these products I want to know that I am getting 100% Made in the U.S.A. products. I purchase these products to help American workers and to protect American jobs. I also have found that the quality is far superior to anything purchased from Mexico or oversees.

After reading some of the comments made by manufacturers, I can see why they want the change to be made. They want it both ways. They want to use cheap labor and/or materials and still have the right to say that it was Made in the U.S.A. They basically want to enhance their bottom line at our expense. I have no problem with a company making money but not based on some "lie" or ability by the manufacturer to hide the true origin of the materials and/or labor.

We are going to kill the goose that laid the golden egg. The reason we always had such a strong middle class with strong purchasing power was due to our manufacturing base. Between NAFTA and GATT, we have almost killed this segment of our society.

Let's not drive a stake through its heart by rewarding those that would take American jobs oversees and still allow them the coveted Made in the U.S.A. label. This is wrong by anyone's standards.

Donna Evans

8746 South 1365 West

West Jordan, Utah 84088