FTC: Made In The USA Comments Concerning Bruce DeBon--P894219


July 31, 1997

Office of the Secretary
Federal Trade Commission
Room 159
Sixth and Pennsylvania Avenues NW
Washington, D.C. 20580

Dear Mr. Secretary:

The US Federal Trade Commission recently proposed new guidelines to govern unqualified "Made in USA" origin claims. The proposed guidelines would replace the present “all or virtually all” US content standard, a standard many American luggage and leather goods manufacturers cannot meet, with a modestly improved "substantially all" standard. The substantially all standard is defined as 75% US content (labor and materials).

DeBon Leather believes that the 75% content standard will be relatively difficult for a great many US manufactured products to meet. However, the FTC's proposed standard is an important breakthrough because it acknowledges present day marketplace realities. Today, US producers operate in a global economy and contend with a dwindling supplier base. Also, US producers must compete against foreign suppliers whose wage rates and other production costs fall well below US standards. Most important, US manufacturers must have the ability to advertise “Made in USA” to compete against foreign goods and keep US factories open.

DeBon Leather urges the Commission to continue its efforts to reach a standard for unqualified “Made in USA” origin claims that strikes a balance between consumer expectations and the realities of today's marketplace.


Bruce DeBon

Bruce DeBon

204 SOUTH NEWMAN STREET · HACKENSACK, N.J. 07601 · TEL 201 343 4348 · FAX 201 343 4344