FTC: Made In The USA Comments Concerning Roberta L. Boehm--P894219

Secretary Donald Clark
Federal Trade Commission
6th St & Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Room 172
Washington, D.C. 10580

July 21,1997

Dear Secretary Clark,

It is our understanding that you are accepting comments on "Made in the USA" through August 11 1997, and as citizens of this great country we would like to voice our opinion of what "Made in America" means to us.

As a consumer, I am guaranteed that when I purchase goods that are made in this country, I know that they are in compliance with government safety standards and regulations, and that the money that is paid for these goods, goes to support other families in the United States as well as to companies who invest their capital buying other goods and services in this country. It is the continual buying and investing in this country that has made it what it is and represents the future of our children in the years to come.

What type of a country would we be leaving to our children when the major way for corporations to make money is to ship goods and services to other countries where wages are lower and the standards are less than acceptable? Who will support our families? How will they earn a decent living and provide for the future generations? Welfare, Social Security?? Who will there be left to contribute to welfare and social security? Not the people in foreign countries that are earning $2.00 or $3.00 a day.

As the children of parents who put their lives on the line to protect this country and the ideals in which it stands for, we say no. Made in the USA should mean exactly that. It is made in this country, by citizens of this country, by corporations who invest their capital in this country and under laws that the people of this country fought for.

As a parent and a grandparent, we say teach our children that in order to maintain the standards that generations before us have fought for, there must be truth. Truth in advertising, truth in regulations, truth in the government and a belief in the ideals we hold dearly.

The future of many companies, families and lives depend on those four little words, "Made in the USA”. Don't destroy everything they mean by creating laws to make loopholes, and by allowing foreign entities to destroy the quality and meaning of our products and our country.


R. Boehm
2621 Monte Cresta Dr.
Belmont, CA 94002-1332

Ronald S. Boehm and Roberta L. Boehm

Americans that are Made in the USA, support Made in the USA and proud union members and supporters