From: "Wilk, David"
To: "''" <>
Date: Wed, Jun 28, 2000 7:45 AM
Subject: "High-Tech Warranty Project -- Comment, P994413"

Dear Sirs,

There is an already large and still growing community of free and open source software developers who collaborate from all around the world on developing high quality, yet free software. They work hard on developing this software (and keep the source code open and   available) for the sole purpose of creating high quality software that undergoes the peer review process that is held in such high regard by the scientific community. These developers, often individuals with few real assets, cannot be held responsible for providing any kind of warranty on the software they write. They often release software that is still in alpha, or beta test quality for the purpose of allowing others to have access to the software so that they may assist in the development process.

As I user of free and open source software I urge you to consider carefully the ramifications of UCITA on these software developers and the software they write. These developers are not packaging software for the purpose of making money and have absolutely no motivation to deceive the consumer. Their purpose is of great scientific value and should not be held to the same standards as commercial software.

Thank you for your consideration.

David Wilk

David Wilk
University of Rochester
(716) 275-5638
(716) 461-5913 FAX