Comment #67

Franchise Rule Hotline
April 30, 1997
2:30 pm

Yes, this is Mike Johnson, a Subway franchisee, Gastonia, North Carolina, at 3078 East Franklin Boulevard, Suite 94, Gastonia, North Carolina 28054. Phone number is (704) 865-2280.

I was a member of the White House Conference on Small Business. I am also a member of the AFA.

I'd just like to basically say that, with the Franchise Rule as it is now, I think it is wrong that this FTC rule is not enforced as I feel properly. Subway in fact itself after admitting on several occasions that they were violating the FTC Rule, was able to avoid prosecution from the FTC, which sends a signal to all franchise opportunities out there in America that the FTC has no teeth, no courage, or no ability. The way it is right now, requiring franchisees to sign away all of their legal and constitutional rights is not fair to the franchisees. And evidently it seems to be a serious problem all across the board because why are so many franchisees filing class action suits in the majority of the franchise concepts, which is taking place.

I would hope that the FTC would require that the franchisor play fair, and if these issues were addressed, then we wouldn't have the problems in the franchise industry that we have today.

I would appreciate the support of the FTC to either uphold and pursue violations when they take place or either abolish the Franchise Rule, the FTC Rule, altogether and give franchisees the right to bring the franchisor into court when they participate in the abuses that they do.