Comment #102

From: "Larson, Robert" <>

To: IPM Return Requested <>

Date: 8/4/97 1:47pm

Subject: RE: 16 CFR Part 436

I am a member of the AFA and am writing to you in regards to the unfair practices afforded to me as a current franchisee. Two years ago I purchased the rights to a franchise that I concluded was sound based on the claims made by the franchisor. However, over the past 2 years, I have found that the franchisor I purchased the franchise from misrepresented the facts regarding the franchise and has continually misrepresented the facts involving the franchise which directly resulted in my failure as a business. I am now placed in the unenviable position of having to sign away all of my legal rights in order to close my business. This means that the franchisor will be protected from the fraud he committed and I will have no legal recourse to recoup my investment. The current rules governing the franchisor/franchisee relationship need to be modified so that the franchisor cannot hide behind a legal document that he forces me to sign.


Bob Larson