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Tools - Data Imaging

ORI "Forensic Actions" for the quick examination of scientific images.


An "Actions set" in Photoshop can be used to automate image analysis routines or to create new Droplets. An Action set can be easily customized, it is a considerable smaller file (2-30 kB) than its Droplet, and as a nonexecutable file it can be easily sent as an email attachment.

The separate Action files must be loaded, saved to, and used within the application, but they can be easily tailored with toggled settings for their individual steps. For example, image processing can be stopped at any point in the sequence in one Action set, and then restarted at another point in a separate action set.

USE: Download and (when queried) Save (copy) the Action Set to any location in the Photoshop Folder. Then, in Photoshop, load the Actions through the Actions Palette for use.

At that point the Action can be modified as wished. For any image you can select the steps of the Action set you want to use, stopping/starting at any stage in the sequence, moving between actions, etc, activate or de-activate the dialogue to add flexibility or, conversely speed the throughput. For example, one can run an Action, then manually use the slider in the History Palette to return a processed image to an intermediate step in the sequence, then activate a sequence from the middle of a different Action set in the Action Palette. Actions can also be used to batch process images in prepublications screening.

For use with a browser, one needs first to drag the icon of the image of interest into the application, select the Action from the list, and then run it, etc. However, one can start with an Action set to customize your own Droplet for a fast-acting interface to the browser.

Actions work with Photoshop v.4-v.7 (Actions are fully cross-platform; but they are not downward compatible. These versions appear to work in all version of Photoshop > v. 5.)

Select and Save the Action Set to any location in the Photoshop Folder. Then, in Photoshop, load the Actions through the Actions Palette for use.

1. Dark or Light Areas Discontinuities: This Action set applies a histogram equalization, which may reveal areas of erasure in dark areas, or areas of whitening in bright areas. The process is most effective if any surrounding contrasting border is first cropped from the region of interest.

2. Visualize Background: This Action set enhances background by embossing (shadowing) details and permits false coloring of the results.

3. Colorize Shapes & Details: Details in the unique fine structure surrounding features in question may serve to test whether two features are the same. False coloring and sliding the Hue setting facilitates detection of small differences in gray shades that would be otherwise imperceptible.

4. Solarize Margins & Edges: This Action set uses a non-linear contrast adjust to amplify differences in the midrange and the dark end of the histogram. The option exists to also false colorize the results.

The following Droplet requires that Photoshop first be running:

5. Color Overlay Two Images: This Action overlays two images, and color codes each so that individual features in the overlap can be linked back to their respective image.

Features will appear RED, and overlapping background will appear CYAN. Features unique to one or the other image will be WHITE or BLACK, respectively. A feature that is common to both images will be RED and must have a uniform boundary. After running the sequence, the image can be resized and reoriented using "Free Transform" in the Edit Menu to test alignment of the images.

These Action sequences can be customized to create new Droplets:

This page last was updated on July 29, 2008
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